
BLM sdids09

Once “the adults were back in the room”  and January 6 2021 protests happened, the DNC found their new talking point. The DNC found this new talking point because they never want to ACTUALLY do anything to stop police brutality (including abolishing the state and by extension the police) .  This was made clear once the Democrats came to power in 2021, and the forcefulness with which the BLM movement had earlier been wielded was subsided. * Voluntary busing is seen by some African Americans to be just a way by whites of buying them off so Joe Biden being anti busing could have been for those reasons back then (not that I am defending Joe Biden, I am not) Jacob Blake was story was according to some people, media astroturfing. The initial story was so severely off from the truth and presented him as some innocent bystander trying to break up a fight when in reality Blake was trying to drive away in a car with a child belonging to his ex girlfriend who had a restraining order on him for re

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Afro epspsp

From here (Afro Pessimism) Because ‘blackness’ and ‘criminality’ are wedded in the US lexicon The same formative relation of structural violence that maintained slavery remained—upheld explicitly by the police (former slave catchers) and white supremacy generally—hence preserving the equation that Black equals socially dead.  Just as wanton violence was a constituent element of slavery, so it is to Blackness. Given the ongoing accumulation of Black death at the hands of the police—even despite increased visibility in recent years—it becomes apparent that a Black person on the street today faces open vulnerability to violence just as the slave did on the plantation.  That there has recently been such an increase in media coverage and yet little decrease in murder reveals the ease with which anti-Black violence can be ignored by white society; at the same time this reveals that when one is Black one needn’t do anything to be targeted, as Blackness itself is criminalized Thinking about th

Left bugaobobos

The modern American left by and large isn’t waging material struggle. Even the most active of activists are locked in fights for symbolic gestures and recognition. This lack of any real stakes marginalizes the left to begin with and leads to subculturalism. Mass appeal by definition debases the social currency of subcultural affiliation. The left (not me but the modern western left only) stopped representing the average worker ages ago. I mean, they may SAY that they have an investment in unions and whatnot, but most leftists (not me though) loathe everything your average worker stands for.  I don't think this is organic really, I think it's a feature of infiltration. The "powers that be" have a decided interest in making sure that most social movements are impotent and ineffective. Leftism has been infected by group that want to destroy established norms (like abolishing family by force and using  'grooming' via drag queen story time for kids to abolish heter

WF SMeiow

What happens if I support the unicorn extremely rare 'right wing talking points' that are correct and good or will be proven to be correct and good at some point in the future? (not that I do now just asking). I think  this ,  this ,  this  and  this  provides a unique insight and expansion of this thought I am taking this  AskALiberal thread  as a shield/armor (like the LoZ series Mirror Shield/FFIV Adamant Armor/MJOLNIR from Halo), to prevent me from falling into the Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, Candace Owens, Haz trap . So help decondition me in line with the advice in that thread by commenting me on any views I have that to you are 'right wing talking points' I am critical of the whole 'right wing talking points' smear but for the sake of what I write below I am using it strategically to make a point. For me I try not to fall into the right wing talking point trap or even to decondition myself if I did fall in, I have to avoid and or continue to avoid looking for a

Rite wring talk points

My insight personally on right wing talking point things can be found here  and with me as an example I touch on political purity tests here If you think supporting the police or not voting Democrat makes you a conservative who just wants to bait a reaction maybe it's time for you to touch grass, too. Some sects of Liberal 2.0ers and Democrats will believe everything is wonderful , since they never hear anything bad, and will dismiss factual reports of bad things because it's coming from "the other side".  Opinions that deviate from the corporatized leftist norm of Liberalism 2.0 are shunned, and the people who express them often find themselves alone amongst other leftists, or even thrust into the arms of the centre or right. Woke and woke-adjacent people have become gatekeepers that essentially do everything they can to make you believe you are actually a right-winger or centrist, and it took me a degree of self-confidence to realise this was blatant gaslighting If