
Showing posts from August, 2023

BLM sdids09

Once “the adults were back in the room”  and January 6 2021 protests happened, the DNC found their new talking point. The DNC found this new talking point because they never want to ACTUALLY do anything to stop police brutality (including abolishing the state and by extension the police) .  This was made clear once the Democrats came to power in 2021, and the forcefulness with which the BLM movement had earlier been wielded was subsided. * Voluntary busing is seen by some African Americans to be just a way by whites of buying them off so Joe Biden being anti busing could have been for those reasons back then (not that I am defending Joe Biden, I am not) Jacob Blake was story was according to some people, media astroturfing. The initial story was so severely off from the truth and presented him as some innocent bystander trying to break up a fight when in reality Blake was trying to drive away in a car with a child belonging to his ex girlfriend who had a restraining order on him for re