PC ing


My What is or isn't offensive views can be found here

Liberal 2.0ers use to believe in free speech but now they have gone mad and are against it.

“Political correctness is America's newest form of intolerance, and it is especially pernicious because it comes disguised as tolerance. It presents itself as fairness, yet attempts to restrict and control people's language with strict codes and rigid rules. I'm not sure that's the way to fight discrimination. I'm not sure silencing people or forcing them to alter their speech is the best method for solving problems that go much deeper than speech”  George Carlin

“If liberty means anything at all it means the right to say things others don’t want to hear” and to quote Betrand Russell on freedom of speech “ The fundamental argument for freedom of opinion is the doubtfulness of all our belief... when the State intervenes to ensure the indoctrination of some doctrine, it does so because there is no conclusive evidence in favour of that doctrine .. It is clear that thought is not free if the profession of certain opinions make it impossible to make a living” and "'Free thought' means thinking freely ... to be worthy of the name freethinker he must be free of two things: the force of tradition and the tyranny of his own passions.”

While I believe in free speech, speech that would clearly cause hate crimes (where even mainstream conservatives would say so), should possibly not be protected as free speech.  

Freedom of Expression has limits, the extreme right wing and extreme tankies reasonably have a right to speak but they don’t have a right per say (correct me if I am wrong) to megaphone ‘hateful’ views, especially ones that even Parler would consider ‘hate speech’

It is wrong and evil that ANTI FREE SPEECH Liberal 2.0ers are twisting the 14th amendment in order to stifle/limit free speech

The 14th amendment does not and should not be used to stifle/limit free speech (or at least not by my standards). as Abraham Lincoln NEVER intended for the 14th amendment to be used stifle/limit free speech.

If the 14th amendment is going to be used to stifle/limit free speech, then maybe we need to change the 14th amendment so it doesn’t stifle/limit free speech (or at least not by my standards)..  

But to provide balance, though, the 14th amendment may in fact do the opposite and expand free speech protection as mentioned here

Control peoples’ speech , control the people

Political correctness is a good tool for rightoids to use in debating the Liberal 2.0ers on hot button cultural issues . 

I am never unnecessarily controversial, and I don’t go out of my way to be provocative.

It is wrong that BIPOC people are ostracized if they speak up to support their race/ethnicity or if BIPOC speak out against America’s history of slavery, Native American genocide, etc. This is because there isn’t diversity to allow these concerns to be stated by BIPOC

Since most of the music industry and movie industry is run by whites , there will unfortunately be music and movies that are offensive to BIPOC. Abolishing hierarchies and classes is a better way to change that than through SJW PC and cancel culture methods

So we need to abolish classes, hierarchies and white ethnocentricity along with promoting free inquiry and freedom of speech to fix this suppression. We need to uplifting methods and some Anarchy to achieve this

I believe that political correctness was created in good intentions (as a lot of bad things are), but is often overused, misused, or taken way out of context (understatement of the century and to say the very least).

I am generally opposed to political correctness  and my views on political correctness in general echo a lot of the anti pc views of IDW , Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson etc (non harsh like in a Family Ties 'be nice about it' sort of way). I am anti political correctness

PC activists aren't wrong all of the time or possibly as much as you think.  I try to use PC methods to combat PC. I am offended by people being offended about some things

I feel that politically incorrect pathways through PC is a must read on the toxicity of some aspects of political correctness

I am generally opposed to political correctness because it is annoying, demonizes innocent things like things below , is more mainstream Liberalism 2.0 stuff, pussifies people etc. 

Right wingers should stop looking for things to get mad at then they won’t annoy us with their right wing snowflakery

Political correctness triggers people and pushes them further to the right. Political correctness is further problematic because it is a slippery slope and false equivalency . PC has made me depressed and lose faith in humanity

PC culture is a vicious middle class intraclass antagonism that is based on newly formed mores to aid the social climbing of the individual carelord who uses PC to take out class competitors.

Some PC complaints almost sound like jokes or revenge.  These PC police people don't know anything about art because most of them don't have a creative bone in their bodies (BLESS THEIR HEART).  

I agree with this Open Democracy article on political correctness and this article/followup

80+ percent of people who watch some or most (ymmv) things that these PCers label as' offensive' don't even give that a thought. Normies need to do mental gymnastics to see what these people see as offensive. 

The PC police troll with complaints that I find unacceptable should not be in charge of our lives. We must cancel PC

I can understand why BIPOC+ and LGBTQ get offended by non pc things since some things may dehumanize them and their history. 

But fighting back through SJWism and pcism using the same methods that were used to offend them with those offensive things, is keeping that non pcism that offended them going but with the targets reversed. 

The only way to counter this is to limit the PC movement since the future matters more than the past.

When criticism is no longer tolerated on some political topics it only leads people being more allusive about their opinions, and thus they stay ambiguous, which makes it easier to interpret what they say as ‘hate speech’... and justify to have made debate impossible in the first place. It is a vicious circle.


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