So we must remove that MAGA and reactionary distractioni so we can do what Cenk and Ana said here
#classwarNOTculturewar. To do this I take over the Republican party and move them leftward and left of the Democrat Party/Labour Party UK, and or I force all right wingers in the US etc to move leftward (at least as left as Josh Gottheimer or Contrapoints) as I mention here, here etc

The Democratic Party has turned their backs on the left repeatedly and unabashedly. Starting a new cycle of sheep-dogging back to Biden is unacceptable. 

They have not earned any loyalty from the left, mind you - none. 

Ok cool. Let's ban abortion and then we can join forces to fight the big corporations.

Abortion has nothing to do with culture war.

There's certainly an economic angle to it (capitalism wanting to force more women into the workforce and encouraging them to murder their offspring for the sake of their careers).

Well the vast majority of ppl dont care about abortion when they have bigger things to worry about like food and rent. Do u think a homeless person cares about roe v wade? Conservatives started it by overturning it when everyone moved on from that debate. Why bring it back?

Abortion hasn't been banned. It's become inconvenient in some red states as you might have to drive across a state line, but most definitely not banned. And yes if you can afford a $700 abortion you can afford a tank of gas to get to a state that allows abortions.

Funding Nazis is Treason #FreeAssange :Does Ana say that as often as she calls the cops on the homeless?

That's quite a come around. Vote blue or Vote red is voting for the same thing. The culture war is exactly what the dems and repubs want. While we're arguing over some trivial cultural detail the establishment is quietly passing new laws for the donor class or themselves.

The establishment couches laws with catchy names like "Save the whales act" and then you realize the law has nothing to do with whales or even the oceans but does have to do with offshore drilling permits. Both dems and repubs do this.

I’m a little shocked you just said this. It gives me hope for the future. Seeing the things we have in common is what builds bridges.

This is something I actually mostly agree with you on. I don't think the culture war is unimportant and there is in fact a cultural war over truth going on right now.

But "they" are happy about it because it keeps us distracted from the larger problems slowly destroying our lives.

Common ground can be found even in 2 people with vastly different views on how the American system should be built when common sense aligns us. Just wanna say 
 this is how most people feel, we need unity more than ever

Best Liberal 2.0 apologia for attacking Cenk's Tweet/Ana's retweet above: "ana… the culture war cenk (and supposedly you as well) referred to here… that’s what this fucking shitty tweet you made is playing into. you realize that right. you are actively playing into the “culture war” while both women and trans folks are being stripped of their rights."

Cenk, if you do not reprogram right wingers (like RevD) who like your occassional anti liberal views (like you made about the distraction of the culture war)  to become left wing you will get heat from liberal 2.0 freaks who falsely smear you for such good views


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