Exh zcghujj

Anti zionists are anti semetic when they spout anti Jewish drivel such as “Israel's claims to represent and speak for all Jews that are the most anti-Semitic claims of all”.

Anti zionists are anti semetic when they spout anti Jewish drivel such as “Jewish opponents of Zionism understood that gentile Europeans "shared the precepts of anti-Semitism" and that Zionists and antisemites held a shared belief in "the expulsion of Jews from Europe."

Anti zionists are anti semetic when they spout anti Jewish drivel such as “right-wing Zionism and antisemitism "have the same soul...they rhyme" because both are variants of ultra-nationalism.”

Anti zionists are anti semetic when they spout anti Jewish drivel such as “antisemitism is the essence of the Zionist movement” and when they falsely and wrongly refer to Zionist aims as ‘antisemitic’ , when they falsely and wrongly call Zionists "Jewish antisemites", which they do when they falsely and wrongly assert that "Aryan antisemites" and Zionist Jewish antisemites share the same goal of expelling Jews from European culture.”


Maybe not all forms of Anti zionism (like the humane forms of anti zionism even if they are a bit edgy) are anti semetic/bad. 

Annie Levin did claim that the works of Theodor Herzl, Max Nordau, and other European Zionists were "littered with descriptions of European Jews as parasites, social diseases, germs, aliens"...and she also argues that these antisemitic views "which lowed quite logically from Israel first Zionism and blatant Zionism’s fundamental assumptions about Jews. She also claimed that Jews have commonly been "hostile to Zionism"

There is nothing anti semetic about Jewish anti-Zionists like in the 19th-century (often Orthodox Jews) believing that Zionism was a heretical ideology. 

These said Orthodox Jews believe that the return of Jews to Eretz Israel with the establishment of a state can only happen after the Jewish Messiah comes. 

Until the arrival of the Messiah, these Orthodox Jews believe that Jews have to accept living in diaspora and to defer to non-Jewish rulers while they wait for redemption. Zionists, (who are usually secular), are wrong for despising their perceived passivity of Orthodox Jews and referring to them as antisemites by Orthodox anti-Zionists, which leaves them open to being hit with that label themselves

Some Anti Semites say some fringe Zionism support is really for expulsion reasons ."Antisemites certainly found Zionism useful" because Zionism provided "antisemitic Zionists" with a justification as to why Jewish people who were living in the diaspora should be expelled from the societies which they had lived in for centuries. Coerced emigration to Zion appealed to antisemites because it provided them with a "solution to the Jewish question".”

See here Writer Bari Weiss wrote that Arthur Balfour who to her was a historical antisemitic Zionist set Jewish return to Israel as UK government policy, because he did not want Jews emigrating from Eastern European on to the UK on the account of pogroms to travel to the UK. So to these anti zionists, if Israel didn’t exist, Israeli Jews will move to other countries which would create more diversity in those countries by adding more Jews to those countries. To them this will force Jews to be accepted more (though Israel is a safe haven and refuge for the Jews which is a counter to this). But per this, many non Zionists in the 1930s supported a homeland an refugee for Jews in Europe

Some anti zionists provide compelling links between Zionism and anti semetism

David N. Myers wrote that "Leading white nationalists such as Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor liken their movement to Zionism, seeing it as a model for the kind of monoethnic purity they favor in [the United States]." Myers went on to claim that the "combination of pro-Israel and antisemitic sensibilities" is typical within the fringes of American politics due to the fused influences of the "Christian Identity with its end-game theology", "archly hardline extreme paleo conservative" Liberal Catholics, and the political ideology of Donald Trump.

 Atalia Omer claims the "convergences between white supremacist violence and exclusionary politics which often comes in the form of Zionist antisemitism", naming Richard Spencer's "white Zionism" as an such an example.

Judith Butler denounced antisemitic manifestations of Zionism found inside of the Trump junta. Butler claims that Steve Bannon is both a "strong Zionist" and that "his antisemitism apparently does not get in the way of his support for the Israeli state, and that his supporters in the Israeli government do not seem to mind." Judith Butler claims that some parts of right-wing Zionism are a manifestation of white supremacy, due to the white Ashkenazi ruling class in Israel making alliances with right-wing politicians in various countries on the basis of common anti-Arab racism, anti-Palestinianism, and Islamophobia. (there is nothing wrong with Israel or any country having an Ashkenazi ruling class or having such a ruling class make bipartisan pacts with right wing politicians as long as those pacts are non hierarchal, egalitarian and NOT anti-Arab racist, anti-Palestinianism, or Islamophobic)

In 2019, the Russian-born Jewish-American journalist Masha Gessen said that Trump and his close allies pro Jewish attitudes are them viewing American Jews as "alien beings whom he and close allies associates with the state of Israel." This is because Trump and his close allies spread antisemetic stereotypes


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