The ideas in Vladimir Lenins state and revolution are VERY similar to Anarchism. So much so that Anarchist Emma goldman praised Lenin and the Bolsheviks at first. So I do believe that Leninism and Anarchism are compatible and I that is why as a Left Libertarian, I support these types of aspects of Leninism

The labels of Marxism-Leninism and tankie have a bit of a complicated history to them. The short version is when I write Marxism Leninism I mean NON tankie Marxist Leninism (but like Marxism Leninism has Vatnik baked into it)

I am talking about the actually meaningless ideology labeled Marxism-Leninism that has some point of divergence where it is no longer Marxism Leninism. So let's call this Marxism Leninism  ML2.

This Marxism Leninism (ML2) is prior to the Marxism Leninism of early USSR when Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky started persecuting non-Bolshevik socialists

This Marxism Leninism (ML2) reasons that away as Lenin diverging from his own theory (which is the Marxism Leninism I am talking about) or something so the real Marxism Leninism is preserved as an identity while I still condemn USSR atrocities of the more well known notorious variant of Marxism Leninism

So this Marxism Leninism (ML2) is technically not tankie. 

This Marxism Leninism (ML2) might ally or have coalition with other Marxism Leninist movements (let's call them ML3s) that unlike this Marxism Leninist (ML2) ideology, has some elements of tankish but draws the line at the beginning of Joseph Stalin's reign or at Dengism/Maoism is the first non-socialist deviation

ML3 commonly doesn't support the PRC or contemporary Russia at all (although unlike ML2s, they are still technically tankies, since they commonly do agree with the violent suppression of movements such as the Kronstadt rebellion that occurred under Vladimir Lenin's reign). ML3s parrot some old-timey USSR propaganda (mostly that against anarchists and less authoritarian Marxists), but none of the contemporary stuff

I am not a tankie in the old school sense of the word , but by modern defintions I AM A TANKIE ('I WOULD NEVER personally ride a bomb onto the Kremlin like Major Kong at the end of Dr. Strangelove')

The word "tankie" used to mean something. It described a phenomenon that's pretty fringe in 2022 but for sure does exist. But lately the meaning seems to have drifted to "anyone who wouldn't personally ride a bomb onto the Kremlin like Major Kong at the end of Dr. Strangelove."



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