Exh femini

Despite me being a left wing to far left feminist, I can live with or even be fine with our society deemphasizing gender roles as opposed to abolishing abolishing gender roles but only if we implement postgenderism first and are in s postgenderism world. Otherwise I support abolishing gender roles

I support the choice of and have great pity for women and men who choose to be house spouses and parents (being a house wife is like being a kitchen slave, evil and wrong). 

This is because I am a Left Libertarian and I respect the freedom of choice of everyone even when they make choices that I disagree with (like women being a housewives)

When we abolish the family unit as the norm (which may very well lead to the family unit being completely abolished naturally and I would be ok with that more than ideally if decentralized free association replaces it) they will be free from having to decide whether to be house spouses or successful career people. I hope that decentralized free association replaces the family unit as the norm

Some women in my immediate family chose to be housewives and mothers and I celebrate the choice for and have great respect for that choice they made. 

I lavishly celebrate the choice of and have infinite respect for women who choose to become successful career people.  Some women in my immediate family were/are chose to be successful career women and I lavishly celebrate that choice for them too.

I do not claim that there are only one valid choice for women or men . Both of those choices are equally allowed by freedom of choice

It is not feminism for stay at home women/moms to leech off their husbands or boyfriends while just getting paid


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