Exh post left ana fem

I am pretty sure at this point that if we are serious about what we mean we are trying to break down and recreate, in terms of fighting patriarchy we should do so together. 

This is not to say that "seperatism" as a method of unlearning patriarchy can’t be useful for both men and women. I am a staunch believer in "men against sexism" type groups, and "women's safe spaces". I like the idea of women's' solidarity and "sisterhood" (although there is some power tripping there), and although the notion of "brotherhood" gives me pause , I am not closed to the potential for liberation there. 

Also, I am not talking here about confronting sexist violence, misogyny, or homophobia ~ as these were never issues of contention in terms of having tolerance for such behaviors. I'm virtually zero-compromise when it comes to that. 

As a negative pillar of civilization, the effects of patriarchy likely/probably won’t be dismantled or eradicated from our societies anytime soon. 

As with the lingering effects of domestication, some aspects of religion  agriculture, linear time, and symbolic thought, we are facing a big challenge in identifying, let alone unlearning the ways that patriarchy has alienated women from nature, each other, and their own internal wildness. 

Much has been written and said about the effects of patriarchal rule on women today, and I hope to see that discourse continue. Maybe we are ready to hear about that from men and talk about it with them. It's one thing for men to mention patriarchy in the list of institutions that comprise civilization. 

It's a whole other thing to define what effects that the patriarchy has had on the autonomy and social evolution of men in civilized societies, and to debate how we (men and women) can overcome it together, through our daily interactions, in addition to the ways that we fight the against the state, support one another when the state fights back, and develop collective projects that subvert the institutions that control women

Anti-patriarchy is not an "issue"to take up but instead is a consciousness that should really underline lives in the struggle against the forces of civilization to revive ancient ways, while realizing an entirely new way of being in a post-domesticated world.


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