Exh tranjiidss

Personally, I am indifferent leaning toward a political position that is in between other side political post position and not support for CHILDREN between 4 or 5 and 16 becoming Transgender , partly because I feel that they might be victims of bullying and discrimination by their peers if they become transgender that young.   note 2

Personally, this view of mine, is to protect them from bullying, not to deny them their rights. But my other reasons are , let kids be kids. Kids aren’t old enough to vote, work full time or have real jobs, go to war, consent to sex, drive, but they can magically decide to change their gender and we are cool with this? really? note 2

If kids aren’t mature enough to do the above things why are they mature enough to change their gender? 

This article has some good insight on this

We need to have an open discussion about teenage girls who have extreme sexual trauma and eating disorders being over-diagnosed with gender dysphoria.  note 2

This is not some transphobic rhetoric that people make up, this is a real phenomenon that plenty detransitioned women have experienced. note 2

They were in denial about the effect of their trauma on their relationships with their bodies, they confused with gender dysphoria, and often they were very pressured to transition by well meaning but overzealous therapists who told them that medical transition was the only option for them to be saved from suicide, and they all were universally left in a worse state due to the medical transition that made them hate their bodies even more and just further prevented them from addressing the roots of their emotional agony.note 2

I just feel it's so concerning that people keep being accused of being transphobic for speaking about this. 

We have to stop unknowingly doing things which even give the appearance of sexualizing kids. note 2

I also agree with this article by NYMag on the whole trans kids issue

The issue involving transgenderism is the children.  That’s always been the main concern by me and other decent people involving transgenderism. Adults can do what they like (Libertarian reasons).

But if denying kids puberty blockers or transgender medical care leads to their health suffering unrelated to Transgenderism and or if denying them puberty blockers means those kids will still identify as Transgender without even passing as such and without transitioning non medically (and because it was never illegal for kids of any age to be Transgender in the US until the last few years), personally, I will stand down and won't show any hesitation to or be off political compass on those kids above getting that help 

Giving kids puberty blockers might be good for non pro affirmation reasons at least since it allows kids to be kids a little longer instead of growing up too fast. 

Personally, I can stomach and maybe even strongly tolerate infants and toddlers (from newborn to 3 or 4 years of age) becoming transgender because that would mean since they are already transitioned to their new gender, when they get older they will thus not feel a need to change their gender due to social pressure or overzealous therapists and also because being trans from that age onward is almost like they were born as the gender they changed to as an infant/toddler, so it feels more ‘natural’ .

Basically a lesser of two controversial practices . I would never want my niece to be transgender at any age below 17         note 2

Legality wise, I am trying to abolish the state , hierarchies, the cisgender patriarchy, so I don’t need to state legality wise if before we abolish the state , hierarchies, the cisgender patriarchy, if I support children becoming Transgender between ages of 4 and 5 and 16 becoming Transgender (legality wise I lean support for infants and toddlers (from newborn to 3 or 4 years of age) becoming transgender even in our current cissexist, statist,hierarchy society).   note 2

The truth is, hearing far right neocon neoliberal reactionary Jennifer Rubin support kids becoming Trans, I have to give lip service to being against that on principal just so I am not on the same side of Jennifer Rubin on this issue

I believe that children should get consent from their parents before becoming Transgender.

I believe that if children don’t like how their parents are treating them that children should have an unconditional right to end their parents’ guardianship at any age where they are physically capable of running away. 

I feel that this right should also include the right for the child to strike out on their own with them being allowed to become Transgender after striking out on their own (even without their parents permission to become transgender, but not before they strike out on their own) 

Neither parents nor the State should have any right to force runaway children to return to the guardianship of any adult against the child’s will

Sarah Huckabee Sanders and similar Christian right politicians are wrong for being so rigid on the Transgender kids issue. At least I am creatively flexible on that issue, they however are unfortunately not

I am against woketard Nicola Sturgeon’s trans zealotry and I echo this article by Spike on that . But what Nicola is doing is not an affront or threat to democracy at all. Though at least this woke policy by her lowers the age of consent a bit so that might be a silver lining

I am glad that Sweden is ending gender affirming care for youth. It is a positive move in the right direction  note 1 

I would like to clarify that recent modern science doesn’t support transitioning. Modern science does rightfully support a person’s choice to choose but not the actual act of transitioning.   note 2

Specifically because of major black mail, threats and social media backlash on the scientific community for even contemplating it may be unhealthy.  note 2

This is very very common in child transitioning. note 2

We have evidence that proves that it is terrible for any person under the minimum age of 21 , with the recommended age for transitioning being 28 , to even contemplate hormonal therapy's or surgerys. note 2

The suicide rate is even more exorbitant in teenage girls due to the social pressures that are involved with how ‘normalized’ the LGBTQ society is that children think it is common to be transgender just because they feel different, when in reality it is really just puberty and growing up with social media etc note 2

All in all the trans bans misses the point but do not  just believe something is good because a group of people vehemently say that it is good. note 2

I have no real issues with adults choosing to be whatever they want to be, but modern science does not support it. Modern science does not disclaim it out of courtesy but it does not agree with it either. This is a good compromise by science and shows they know how to properly handle sensitive social issues in an uplifting and non divisive way  note 2


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