
On including Terfs in our left wing revolutions:

We don't change people's minds on issues they get wrong by us excluding them where they are right.

I have friends who have different views than me on fiscal issues, but we agree on cultural issues. They are more likely than not to consider my views on one issue because they have had conversations where we have agreed on other issues

We disagree with their TERF views on trans issues? Maybe they would consider our T.R.A views if they got the opportunity to respect our views on other issues

Where is the line for anti Terf leftists, where people aren't supposed to be part of their club anymore? Just trans? What about the super real problem of anti-Semitism on the left? The environment? Drugs? And how far off from such purity test leftists views on those things do they have to be?

The line is located somewhere, but I would say that a diplomatic approach where we can earn the trust to contradict someone when they are wrong is usually a better route to take

I agree having dialogue with TERFs is useful but if their are like Trans people in the spaces then that could be risky. Politics isn't a game

My issue with Terfism is they advocate for control over trans peoples body by the state (we leftists are anti statist) and the ruling class. Terfs also waste resources trying to turn us anti capitalists against each other

Unfortunately a lot of terfs are socialists ,marxists and communists. I get what people are trying to say when they say TERF’s aren’t socialists ,marxists and communists., but we need to grapple with the fact that there are some people in the socialists ,marxists and communists.camp that hold these views and that they aren’t purely an external enemy.

But terf views do distract us from the fight against capitalism and they waste our resources trying to turn us on each other. I don’t think this really justifies the fact that they might have once said they wanted a revolution or whatever

Any type of ill will/hostility (like the terf's anti trans views) is meant to distract the Workers from the exploitation of the Bourgeoisie

How? Yeah, you may not like them and they should be called out but if someone advocates for the abolition of private property and seizing the means of production, they’re without a doubt leftist. Socialism is a philosophical and political movement, not a club.



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