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DEMOCRATS, Liberal 2.0ers and Progressives are NOT LEFT WING

The three extremes on the political spectrum are

Far left (Communism including Tankies, Anarchism, Mutualism, vastly unwoke or barely woke), Radlib (from Liberal 2.0 wing, woke, generally only lip service to being anti capitalist etc), Far right

Based off of the American political spectrum on a curve where social views outweigh economic views except where otherwise noted and by general world standards except where otherwise noted 

Political spectrum

Far left/Alt Left, Left Wing, Left Center

Center Left, Centrist/Radical Centrist, Center right

Right Center, Right Wing-Right Wing Populism/Alt Lite, Hard right/Radical right-extreme Right, Far Right-Neofascism/Alt Right     

Alt Right/fascism: 

Examples of Alt Right/fascism: 

Jason Kessler, Paul Nehlens, Richard Spencer

Real Far right/neofascism

Examples of Textbook Far right/neofascism:

Andrew Anglim, Don Black, David Duke, Arthur Jones, Jared Taylor    Daily Stormer, weatherfront

Hard right-Radical right/extreme Right  : 

Being well on the right of the political spectrum. What is erronsuely called far right by today’s Liberal 2.0 media. Incorporates some aspects of mainstream conservatism, though the modern far right term is more vague than extreme right or radical right and thus is not really preferred by me in general.

For Radical Right/extreme right:

In US politics, the radical right is a political preference that leans towards extreme conservatism, white supremacism (ADL), and other ideologies in the right-wing to far-right vortex in a hierarchical structure bonded with conspiratorial rhetoric alongside traditionalist and reactionary aspirations.

For Hard Right: here

Examples of Hard right-Radical right/extreme Right: 

*Baked Alaska ,Peter Brimelow, *Nick Fuentes-Groypers ,Lauren Southern,  

Generation Identity-Identity Evropa Europe, Gab users, Groypers, Minute Men Movement, Patriot Prayer

Blurs line between Right Wing Populism/Alt Lite and Hard Right:

Pat Buchanan, Mike Cernovich ,Alex Jones, Doug Mastriano, Gavin McInnis

Right Wing/Right Wing Populism/Alt Lite

Examples of Right Wing without adjectives:/Right Wing Populism/Alt Lite:

**Lauren Boebert, **Dan Cox, Steven Crowder, Ron Desantis, **MTG , Charlie Kirk, Kari Lake, Marine Le Pen, #Joe Manchin, Mike Pence, #Max Rose, Alex Stein, DJT

Conservapedia, Free Republic

Blurs line between Right Center and Right Wing without adjectives:

Charlie Crist, Blake Masters, Sarah Palin, Ben Shapiro, Peter Thiel

Examples of Right Center:

Bob Barr, #Joe Biden (economic issues) ,John Boehner, Chris Christie, Lindsey Graham, Kevin Mccarthy, Mitch Mcconnell, Rona Mcdaniel Romney, Karl Rove, #Krysten Sinema

Blurs line between Center Right and Right Center:

GWB, Liz Cheney, Boris Johnson, John Mccain

Examples of Center right

GHWB, Susan Collins, Larry Hogan, Ronald Reagan, Mitt Romney, Chris Sanunu, Erin O’Toole 

Blurs line between Centrist and Center right

Lincoln Chafee, Henry Cueller, Bill Kristol, Lisa Murkowski ,Joe Manchin (by American standards)

Blurs line between Radically Centrist and Center right:

#Joe Biden (social issues), Richard Nixon, Barack Obama

Examples of Centrist:

Bill Clinton, #Nancy Pelosi, Teddy Roosevelt

Examples of Radical Centrist

Mayor Pete, Jared Polis, Max Rose (by American standards)

Blurs line between Radically Centrist and soft Center left:

Hillary Clinton, Krysten Sinema (by American standards)

Examples of Center to Center left

Joe Biden (by American standards socially and economically), Angela Merkel, Beto O’Rourke,  Nancy Pelosi (by American standards)

Examples of Center left

Kamala Harris, John Kerry, Ed Markey, Gavin Newsom, Ihlan Omar , Jamie Raskin, Keir Starmer, Nicola Sturgeon, Justin Trudeau, Elizabeth Warren

Blurs line between Center left and Left Center (soft Left center)

Jamaal Bowman, AOC, Keith Ellison ,John Fetterman, Alexandra Hunt ,Roh Khanna, Bernie Sanders

Examples of Left Center

Bill Ayers, Gabriel Boric, Candi Cdebaca, Jeremy Corbyn, main Democratic Socialists of America

Mother Jones

Left Wing

Social Convergence in Chile and Broad Front Chile


*blurs line between Hard right and Radical right/extreme Right

** blurs line between right wing and right wing populist

# by European, UK Canadian, Australian, Chile standards

I don’t consider the Democrat Party or the any American liberals (i.e liberal 2.0ers) Left Wing (not even AOC or Bernie Sanders) or progressives to be Left Wing. The Democrats are certainly not Communists, (though the CPUSA endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton)

The Democrats reject Socialism , and they are as Anti Communist as the Republicans are. Democrats can’t even pass Medicare for All let alone UBH or UBI (UBI is Left Wing, UBI is Center Left or Left Center and is Social Capitalism not Socialism)

Democrats love their woke brand of Capitalism as I outline here (economic hypothesis section). Socialism and Communism are too class reductionist and nonidpol for them to embrace

To me, the Democrat Party ranges from being between in between Right Wing to soft Left Center

Josh Hawley is further left economically than Joe Biden and Barack Obama (Hawley is a Paternalistic Conservative). Even Ludwig von Mises would use stimuluses and bailouts like Obama and Biden did if Von Mises was our President in 2009 or 2021.

possibly add fringe right and fringe left to blog


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