Exk kremlinidm

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This false equivalency by the European Parliament between communism and nazism is the radical centrism we love to see.

This European Parliament false equivalency between commies and naughtzies is based off of misinformation. But if anti commies and other people want to believe the two are equally bad, then fine, more power to them. People are free to think or believe what they want within reason. Let them believe in the tooth fairy for all I care. They aren’t hurting anyone by this false equivalency

35 years of capitalism is what has ruined the East. 

This ‘communism and nazism are equally bad’ narrative is false equivalency, even if we consider the two points below there is still no equivalency between psuedo Communism and Nazism

1) Statist Communist-State Capitalist countries like the USSR unleashed a horrid form of totalitarianism onto war-ravaged countries of Eastern Europe, like East Germany.  

2) The unholy alliance between the USSR and NDSAP together cause millions of deaths, suffering and destruction to Poland 

3) If Joseph Stalin didn’t dir and carried out his evil doctor’s plot it may have caused World War III

This false equivalency by the European Parliament only fuels the rhetoric of holo caust deniers and downplayer neofascists

What is this? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/3223834/Stalin-planned-to-send-a-million-troops-to-stop-Hitler-if-Britain-and-France-agreed-pact.html

Yet Poland, France and the UKkk preferred their fanatical anti-communism rhetoric over their not-getting-owned-by-the-naughtzi-ism

Because NEOLIBERAL slavery in the WEST is much better.

If people offer the smallest bit of praise to historical socialist countries people are painted as a chapo or a Twitter tankie obsessed with pronouns to some Leftists and Liberal 2.0ers and that stereotyping is wrong

The idea of allowing internet tribal wars come before the theory and material analysis is lost on all.

Every fellow Marxist and Marxian explorers to Marxism should unconditionally retroactively support the USSR, but even they are a non-Marxist spectrum leftist , it's crystal clear what equating communism to nazism is meant to accomplish. 

Such equivalency is trying to sell the disinformation narrative that any ideology other than the neoliberal centrism ideology is murderous extremism. and even milquetoast socdems like Bernie are unfairly being attacked for equating their policies with the so called gulags by the NEOLIBERAL MSM and the freaking  white house

Observing self-awoved socialists cheer on this type of propaganda in order to own some teens on Twitter or Gettr is totally bizarro.

Communism might as well be prohibited by law since the only socially allowed ideology is, by now, liberal capitalism. The consequence of that, in order for communism any other ideology to assert themself, force will be necessary, and this is so even where they are not formally illegal. Parties representing such ideologies are (hugely unwitting) false-opp

My overarching concern is that while they rightfully fear nazism they don’t fear fascism which really makes you wonder.

Liberals love to babble about how much they love Poland, the baltics etc for “resisting” “totalitarianism”. 

The truth of the matter is a post communist political climate is real good for the elites, a persons beaten down by harsh shock therapy and the ideology of cynicism is way more likely to respond fine(That is passively) to the next“color revolution”. This is why there is this type of push against communism, the elites want to do the west and southern europe what they previouslt did to the east in the 1990s.

Call me when the EPP/PES alliance actually dissolves.

Commies are dead persons on leave etc

Sorry, I am not a cuck to the US empire. It feels like the 1960s Left with the modern Anti Communism crusades. It is in fact 2022, you don't have to perfornatively denounce the USSR and all of communism anymore.

Better galaxy brain take means it’s good since it weeds out the larping radlibs

Russians on the hand gain the +5 freeze damage resistance racial bonus trait

Italy, is where the Communist Party was basically the relevant political democratic opposition for around like 50 odd years.

Condemning authoritarianism is one thing. Saying such a statement that claims that it was communism’s fault for WWII is a bad history take. I consider such a claim that says such things as the constituent fathers of Italy were simply like the naughtzies a joke if not a slur.

The modern Italian constitution as it exists now was written in big part by a joint coalition of communist and antifascist partisans along with a few US- and monarchist- backed liberals. If it was not for communist involvement in the Italian civil war and the crafting of the postwar constitution then Italy would still be a monarchy today

The differences between Western and Eastern Germany wasn't quite as pronounced as the capitalist media apparatus said it was. 

There was clearly less inequality, the education system was maybe better, public transport was more fine, employment was better, labor market flexibility was less, the quality of life indicators were real decent etc. 

Several people wanted the old system to stay in place after it the wall fell, in fact most of people in half of the communist states still desire for the old system to be reimposed. 

The communist party of Russia would be winning elections all left and right if Vladimir Putin wasn't suppressing every damn opposition party. But ummm, those evil reds took over half of the planet, killed more than 200 trillion people, truly, and then collapsed since only capitalism is possible, libtards destroyed.

Sigh..... I miss the good ole days of the zeitgeist movement in which people were beginning to think outside the box on creating a new system of governance that was revolutionary and really new. Something like what J.F was dreaming up......then the cultural Marxists hijacked that movement and now all there is is them doing annoying, manipulative eveeeel whilst blaming it on strawman right wing anti Communists to keep people distracted.

The west is brainwashed to be Anti Communist

One county blessed by Communism .It was greater, on balance, than most of them in said country got it currently. Many stuff sucked, many more took for granted didn’t. 

There isn’t one society, in the West or East hemisphere, that's targeted by the rich elites and their financial straight-jackets and military complex provocateurs and real secret police saboteurs that does NOT have people who reside there or resided there who are gonna crudely and small mindingly demonize them on cue, and there are zillions of dollars making sure these are the only people whose voices get heard. Yet, most polls in the former East bloc countries tell a quite different story!


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