
Maybe I should say 'don't participate in idpol but transcend it' But then I would be doing shitlib handwringing by saying that  . But "the rightoids are the real enemy right?" I don't play favorites Liberal 2.0ers and right wingers are both equally cringe to me

The real enemy is capitalism and people like shitlibs who believe the political categories of liberalism 2.0 (the Liberal 2.0 left, rightoids) are immanent and unmovable. Rather than seeking to understand why people are reactionary to ideologies that they rightly are seen as undermining their parental authority, shitlibs expect everyone to agree with their babyish moralizing because a few bad things happened to people they see as victims. And they might very well be victims, but so was Ashli Babbit, and some people have no problem calling her a whore.

The Libs of Tik tok are a disease that people are too stupid to ignore

I have heard people say that the Libs of Tik Tok are right wing propaganda. Yet most of what they do is merely to share videos of the liberals 2.0ers and to a much lesser extent leftists saying nonsense that they really believe. It’s pretty worrisome when normies see liberal 2.0ers and leftists share their opinions and beliefs, it immediately pushes them in the direction of right wing lunacy.

I guess most of the hate Libs of Tik Tok get is 'shooting the messenger' type

Technically liberal 2.0ers (like the ones of Tik Tok that Libs of Tik Tok mock) are on the right wing.

What did LoTT ever do to get any teachers fired other than just amplifying those teachers own publicly broadcasted videos?  

Public schools are a key part of Marxism. The right wing has been hell bent about their parental rights vs. the public school system since the 19th century. Back then it was their "right" to have their kids stay home to work on a farm or to send them off to work in a mine or textile mill as opposed to learning to read and do simple arithmetic. 

The issues are less stark now, but a lot of their bleating is coming from that same outlook of seeing children as their personal property which again Marxism is pretty clear is not the case.

There are very, very true issues around what is being taught in public schools. I see no need to rehash what those are 

That said more than 50 percent of the right wing arguments are simply their latest salvo in the scorched earth war they have been a part of against the public school system for 150 years. They might be right on the occasional topic like with CRT, yet the framework they are operating from is at its core hostile to the concept of public schools and they *will* also be pursuing that agenda. That can't be forgotten.

If this conservative parents rights craze and anti school 'woke' rampage by conservatives were really about saving children from pedos and groomers, the US would already have banned things like child marriage and child beauty pageants. That conservatives are mum on such things is a stunning indictment and reveals what they actually care about.

One of the teachers Raichik exposed, Tyler Wrynn, a former English teacher in Oklahoma, posted a video telling LGBTQ kids shunned by their parents that he was “proud of them” and loved them. He was featured on LibsofTikTok and got death threats and harassment.

I wouldn't want this person teaching my niece  Yes Tyler has a point when he tells LGBTQ kids he is proud of them and he loves them. But he takes that too far hence my views on him

"We can all agree that Taylor Lorenz is a hypocritical asshole who shouldn't be doxxing people."

Hypocrisy is a meme, utilized by people who have no power. It's not about principles - pundits and media outlets have none other than serving the ruling class - it's only about power.

"Libs of Tik Tok boasted about getting loads of public school teachers fired". Do people who say that reckon that far rightists and "communists" should be allowed to teach kids in schools?"

"Other than that, Libs of Tik Tok unnecessarily draws attention to obscure TikTokers, who face death threats and harassment due to Libs of Tik Tok "exposing" them."

As do many people rendered as "racist," "fascist," "communist," etc, they too get fired, and in a lot of countries get arrested, etc.

"Do I unironically supporting LibsOfTikTok?"

I'm sure there is a part of me who maybe pities to sympathizes with LoTT. Personally, I don't give a fuck about libs of Tik Tok but I'm not going to make believe that half the dung being taught in schools, or for that matter teachers are educating, is whatsoever fine and dandy. Just like I'm sure some people wouldn't be fine and dandy with fascists teaching kids racialism b.s 

"Moreover, just caz I like to complain about "CRT" and the like, don't forget the real enemy, the rightoids"

Radlib ideology (like the CRT) as a whole is being implemented on our country by the ruling class, it's not due to "infiltration" or a bunch of randos spreading it, so in fact, it's the ruling class that's the enemy.

"The Libs of tik tok thing and parents rights anti school thing is really a rightoid movement to defund and dismantle public education"

It's LOL how those who define themselves as anti-system always supports the ruling class while pretending to be against it. 

Education in and of itself is the issue since it's anything but. Certainly, privatizing education isn't some magical solution no more than homeschooling is a magical solution (even if it is preferable) as it doesn't actually solve the issue. And as noted, the issue is exactly the people and the ruling class which Liberal 2.0ers would rather ignore in favor of people reacting to it whom they paint as the enemy.


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