Ex Facebookkk w


From the article:

"But before the overhaul, the company’s algorithms and policies did not make a distinction between groups that were more likely to be targets of hate speech versus those that have not been historically marginalized. Comments like “White people are stupid” were treated the same as anti-Semitic or racist slurs."

I guess that white people haven't been historically marginalized, but according to Washington Post and Facebook, we can always start ...  White people were on the margins of Eurasia for a thousand years

This is the magical variable placeholder that is used to justify any amount of revanchist political action undertaken in modern times

Simply choose an arbitrary time period and place that when the group who is in question was powerful, and then claim to be positioned athwart history to balance the scales. The more radical the action you choose to undertake today, the more powerful opposite point you choose in the past.

But the truly cringe part is that you can do this for any other discrete id groups around today. "Jews" weren't constantly some marginalized, disempowered group of people if we use the context of Western history,to give one example. And you see where this is going.

The "Whites have never have been historically oppressed" angle is seen by some leftists as Anglo-centrism; 

The UK was at the oceanic edge of Europe, very far away from non-Whites, and only surrounded by White countries who were also only surrounded by other White countries. The UK, thus could never possibly have been oppressed like BIPOC were by another race due to geography.

Now situation in Ireland (and the situation in Bosnia in the 1990s, what the Slavic people went through in NDSAP Germany, Eastern European Germans in the 1940s, sevderal minorities in the USSR) don't count as 'whites being oppressed' to some Liberal 2.0 wokies for some weird reason

The Irish, Slavs, Armenians, Greek and Italians have been historically marginalized and they are white.

It isn't really even Anglo centrism about the above 'whites marginalized' comments above.. The British of all people were nearly an extinct group of people through conquest by the Romans, and Vikings. British people were actually enslaved by Barbary pirates . At one point in history, the Irish people actually owned English slaves and at another the English themselves owned Irish slaves.

Ireland being the apex of the slave trade in the British Isles and England being a huge supply source (It was the biggest market as well before William I thankfully and rightfully outlawed it and replaced it with serfdom) for said trade was really cited as an excuse for Anglo-Norman Intervention. 

This was a portion of the reason that Henry II got a papal sanction to take over Ireland as both a method to prevent ambitious Norman lords from becoming rivals and also to secure future lands for John to Inherit.

So it does not genuinely count if the people killing another group of people have the same complexion as them , am I right? 

Thus maybe that is the reason that to Liberal 2.0ers and to a much lesser extent leftists, the African slave traders get a pass?

Now Liberal 2.0ers and even a few Liberal 2.0 larping Leftists love spouting "white people are racist, and every type of racism flows from white people. All that appears to be evil in the world flows from the white man/woman. They actually are responsible for all things that happen". That's the most vital princple of that stupid Social Justice Theology jumbo

Here's an example of some fool making sure you comprehend that the African slave trade is completely the white man's fault: https://www.africaw.com/africans-did-not-sell-their-own-people-into-slavery

YIKES, this has got to be the most revisionist thing I’ve ever seen.

"Did Africans sell slaves? The short answer is yes, they did “sell” slaves. But I put it in quotes because that was those bad Africans who were manipulated by being given wealth, so they didn’t really sell slaves."

Picture Americans saying they didn’t sell slaves since it was the Confederacy, who were criminals and due to slavery being introduced by the British.

"Did Americans sell slaves? The short answer is yes, they did “sell” slaves. But I put it in quotes because that was those bad Americans who were manipulated by being given wealth, so they didn’t really sell slaves".

When white people enslaved people, their current descendants are (in the minds of Liberal 2.0ers and a few Leftist sympathizers of Liberal 2.0ers) still guilty of it. Yet when poc enslaved people, modern white people are  (in the minds of Liberal 2.0ers and a few Leftist sympathizers of Liberal 2.0ers) also still guilty of it.

The mental gymnastics never cease to floor me

I thought I'd be base to apply "this non-White group isn't truly racist due to X" logic to whites. White colonialist oppressors are merely the product of a racist system, etc.

The other thing that jumped out at me from the article is how this was presented, as if this change by Facebook is righting a wrong. It's pretty damn disturbing to see this hailed as progress.

I get mad at a lot of the race-baiting and other divisive things that I see, but for on reason or another this only legit made me sad. The article on this change by Facebook is presented as if this is progress. Yet it's very dystopian.

The MSM is the biggest enemy of the people. Everybody knows this to be true .Occupy Wall Street would have been an example

Truth is the MSM is controlled by the political and economic elites.

The elites use the MSM as a tool used to divide us along racial, gender, whatever lines they can manage.

At times I wonder if the true left needs to have more focus on seizing the means of mass communication before we can seize the means of production from the elites. I think the elites have come to learn this

Mass communication is among the best weapons we've ever created, quiet weapons for quiet wars.

I do ponder whether the Bostrom's Vulnerable World Hypothesis.is underestimating social media...

"Intuitively, the hypothesis is that there is some level of technology at which civilization almost certainly gets destroyed unless quite extraordinary and historically unprecedented degrees of preventive polic- ing and/or global governance are implemented."

Great news is that Facebook is getting the antitrust hammer and likely Google will also get it

I hope and pray that they break up Apple and Amazon afterward 

"The Medium is the Message" Keep this in mind

Hey, whatcha bout convincing the people that leaked documents are fake and illegal?

That freaking CNN clip told people its illegal for them to look at the leaked emails but ifor those CNN losers it is a-okay for them to do it is fucking horrible and makes me hate CNN immensely 

Like getting people to buy garbage they dont need?

Back to another point above, clearly they do. When there is a coup (left ,liberal 2.0 or proto Liberal 2.0 or right) one of the first targets are TV and radio.

And again the root of a modern day problem is found within the grim lair of the Eternal Anglo

I saw on social media leftist claim that the centuries of Moorish colonization of Spain is arguably among the more significant events in terms of causing a White ethno-nationalism that became law in parts of the Spanish Empire.

When pushed to tell that person they are falsely applying modern terms (ethno nationalism) to the past (Spanish Empire), they go on the defense and say this

"I'm not doing any such thing.  The gist here is hat the post-Roman Spanish had a conundrum in regards to their national identity, that of Moorish settlers converting to Christianity, and ultimately what occurred was that those Moorish Christians were deemed on-Spanish particularly due to their observed lack of European heritage."

But I counter that with this" 'European heritage', is corny present day rhetoric. The main distinction back then was religion, not race-ethnicity 

I believe that people tend to think things will only begin to go downhill when people are being hauled off to the death camps. 

All that needs to happen is someone reading the narrative that white people are evil and have violence within their DNA and that whites are the harbinger of all ills enough to be radicalized and basically pick up a firearm and go to town. History or amount of hate doesn’t matter. This is the woke endgame; not permitting them to behead you is racist and the punishment for racism is a beheading

The Chinese population reads western reports that claim that the Uigyurs in China are daily sent to 'death camp's (even though that highly likely isn't the case see here, but let's pretend it is for the sake of this post) and the vast majority of Chinese residents don't notice or give a damn. 

Sam thing with the Taliban and most Afghanistan residents not noticing or giving a damn In Turkey they sent Armenians to death camps and the majority didn't notice or care..The hard truth is that people of countries like China, Afghanistan, Turkey and more simply are that callous and unaware.that such crimes against humanity are happening 

One person who volunteered to enter a death camp during a past genocide did so two times with proof about that genocide and he got executed after the war for all his troubles

I don't even get why they are treating "white people" as such a monolith. There are so many other white nations who have suffered more in their history than some particular african tribes, what about those nations? Or these countries who way less commonly had any contact with black people?

This is a quintessential Anglo and Ameritard narrative

So if the silicon dystopia preserved for multiple centuries then wouldn't generations of prejudice against said  groups ultimately turn into discrimination by the definition of woke? As its had time to build up over the past

Then I conclude that the pendulum will swing to one side and then to the other for all eternity, merely one group screwing over another group as humanity circles the drain.

That's the problem with the regressive left (i.e radlibs, synth left, cringe left, orange lib left, ultra left of the Liberal 2.0 sect). They see their type of bigotry as a solution to bigotry. They see their vice as a virtue. 

At the same time anyone with any ounce of intellect would conclude that being against bigotry towards all is morally superior to being against bigotry towards only some. This should be absolutely clear. The fact that it is not tells us the scope of this problem.

I mean, the Finnish people were pretty discriminated against by the Turkish people, but that doesn't count to woke Liberal 2.0ers.

What about South Africa where white farmers and their families who are being murdered simply for being white. This happened also in Zimbabwe.

So much whites on this planet have been murdered and attacked simply for their race-ethnicity and thus whites are no slouth in the victim department themselves

It's just dumb WOKE ideology that supports the oppression of some but not the oppression of others.

Some liberal 2.0 social media person has a few white Afrikaaner cousins, and said social media person attempts to have sympathy, but from the way they tell it you what is the skinny you would come to believe that they're the only people on Earth with any problems. whites sure do love feeling sorry for themselves. 

Some Liberal 2.0ers may desire to feel bad for whites like in South Africa but to them whites choose to act like it's the holo   caust every time they break a nail, no Liberal 2.0 woke person has time for that.

But then again white people are being targeted for murder and persecution in South Africa, and the audacity for even mentioning it gets criticized by Liberal 2.0ers which is bad . 10 year old Afrikaaner boys in South Africa being boiled alive, Afrikaaner women raped and tortured, is not like breaking a nail. So for Liberal 2.0ers to twist fact to their woke agenda and imaginary reality they would obviously say that. by denying or downplaying the racist murders of white Afrikaaners in South Africa

But it does sound really screwed up, its  better do something about it or only moan abou it online

We have to wake up and realize stuff are only as much racial struggle as they are class struggle.

Life is ruthless and a zero sum MMORPG

no edit Back to the article. Its LOL because since Facebook uses an automatic algorithm, so it doesn't take more tools to filter for specific words over other types of words. They merely did this because... they wanted to.

9/10 Facebook uses an AI bot, which is to mean that they had to go through the struggle of training it either again or a new AI Bot from scratch

I do not know if the algorithm or a manager “decided” this. I’m thinking stupidity is another profitable venture to FB according to the algorithm, simply like how it shows users fake news because it keeps them looking longer. Watch “The Social Dillemma”, it explains it better than I do here.

Hopefully they won’t take down user John Doe's page on the Italian Problem. /s

We have to put up a Potato Famine museum in every huge city, and Potato Famine denialism has to be illegal. /s

Some radical liberals are so mind shatteringly lame that they believe that white people are all hateful thieves who have not accomplished anything positive in the world while they also definine the term "white people" by including every person who truly succeeds in life.

Well we've observed the "Straight black men are the white men of black people" so... I thought black men were the whites people of black people?  More gay men voted for 45 in 2020 than did in 2016. They are essentially fascists to Liberal 2.0ers. Gay black men are thus guilty through association to Liberal 2.0ers

Imagine being a Filipino migrant that illegally migrated to US. Grew up in a ghetto apartment area. Worked terrible wages. Ultimately managed to get citizenship in the US. Barely was able to raise a family. Their son is top of his class at science, so they take out a loan so their son can study Engineering and achieve a brighter future. First week in college, and a bunch of middle-upper class morons start calling him privileged and harassing him...

Well done US! Keep fighting racism with racism! /s

Well they had to divide the quantum latinos off from the quantum mexican the Liberal 2.0ers did who are both seen negatively by Liberal 2.0ers as needing welfare since Liberal 2.0ers wrongly and falsely don't value their work ethic and play the 'stealing your job' card

At the risk of sounding like an incel, I will state 'white' in this case doesn't mean only white people - it also likley covers Asians and Indians since along with white people they appear to be today's targets least criticized targets of abuse 

Indians are the only non white group that gets hated on without much backlash as much as online hindu nationalists  do a very well job in reporting those people. Indians rank very low in AgainstHateSubreddit's chart so no point in looking towards them.

What did Indians do to deserve this treatment of not having hate against them taken seriously? Too successful as migrants in the US? Even though their economic status is different across the world, there's Indian slaves in Qatar.

Not sure I see it... because unlike in China or Japan there has been no excellent Indian empire since the colonial era.

Racists don't operate on logic, it's very normie like to strongly dislike or loathe culturally different people. Go to r/chodi subreddit and you'll see what Indians think of whites and Christians

Indians in the US have a VERY insular culture and pretty much have no interest in interacting with non-indian people.


Per this CNET piece , it's simply the algorithm for detecting hate speech that is being changed. Hate speech directed towards whites, men, etc. still will be removed if such speech is reported. I would recommend getting off Facebook altogether as I mention elsewhere in my blog

One worker of these sorts of agorithms for a certain social media client said that algorithms can just pickup on basic things so much

A lot of it boils down to is the way in which blatant hate speech against men is compared to women.

Lots of women will post “kill all men” or a bunch of woke people post “fuck white people” with no other context. This makes it simple for the algorithm to highlight it, and then to report it to the content moderation team. Whereas, some dude or dudette who is spewing hate speech against Muslims will have more nuance like referencing their political beliefs, they won’t use curse words, they won’t threaten to murder, they’ll criticisze a terrorist attack that just happened, contrast to Judaism or Christian values etc.

In short, alt-right people don’t post brazen phrases like “F*ck the (insert alt right target)” online. This means the more small and snappy anti-white and anti-man content gets prioritized way ahead.

Edit: I’ve heard of people who reported a few nutty things across FB, IG, Twitter previously. FB appears to be more blanket. While Twitter is biased and nuanced and dependent on demographic. I’ve heard a bunch of banning Twitter accounts that say “men cannot t be raped” though.

If you normalize social media posts like "white people suck" you can't then be astonished that tens of millions of people have no interest in voting for woke-liberal 2.0 political candidates.

One redditor once spoke to a “feminist” woman who firmly thought all these echo chambers and cultish belief points, and how it’s fine and dandy to use hate speech against men.

When said redditor explained how they have experienced sexual harassment from women, that they had observed women emotionally manipulate and bully men with the whole “tOxIc MaScULiNiTy” narrative and then claim women cannot harass men. Said redditor even mentioned how a couple students in their high school were groomed and extorted by their female teacher.

Said redditor then explained to her that none of those experiences ever made him hate women. And that any woman who says they hate all men is pure freaking losers, no matter what they’re experiences with a select group of men were.

Shockingly, it did truly change her views on things. I think that the ideal way to solve such issues is to find a common ground. Talk about it, and then mention how all people can improve from there. We’re divided more by class than we are by gender and race. I’m positive that some white poor guy in West Virginia could relate more with a poor black person in Texas, than he could relate with some rich white Wall Street banker 

"Honkies this morning were united in uproar at new strategies that will allow PoCs, and fellow crackers seeking to absolve themselves of their white devilry, free reign to target racist abuse at their gabacho Facebook profiles. Kwailo men are expected to be hit especially hard by such measures, which will also allow kweens and upstanding male identifying persons of colour to implement sweeping generalizations about their violent, dumb, ignorant and sexist gender ". This is what the Washington Post is really saying right with the linked article at the top of the page? They aren't holding back

In the first phase of the project, which was announced internally to a small group in October, engineers said they had changed the company’s systems to deprioritize policing contemptuous comments about “Whites,” “men” and “Americans.” Facebook still considers such attacks to be hate speech, and users can still report it to the company. However, the company’s technology now treats them as “low-sensitivity” — or less likely to be harmful — so that they are no longer automatically deleted by the company’s algorithms. That means roughly 10,000 fewer posts are now being deleted each day, according to the documents" Well at least there’s that so that is a good thing

Some of the psycho right wing conspiracies of circa 2015 seem slightly less crazy in retrospect

At this point, it would be a fun game to treat all rightoid conspiracy theories as fundamentally 'alternative facts' but explained by a schizophrenic rightoid moron. They're like morons with the rightoid gift of prophecy.

e"ngineers said they had changed the company’s systems to deprioritize policing contemptuous comments about “Whites,” “men” and “Americans.”... That means roughly 10,000 fewer posts are now being deleted each day, according to the documents."

So Facebook gets 10k posts, a day, that are negative and mean towards white people and men. So much for 'there's no such thing as anti-white racism or misandry'. Good of WaPo to offer us evidence of this type of bigotry.

Moreover, now there's 10,000 more posts each day for some young white kid to see and to feel like total sh*t about themselves.

Gotta love how it's totally damaging for some young Asian youth to not see someone who has an appearance like them in D.C comic movies primarily created to sell merchandising made by... young Asian youth, but it's completely a-okay for young white boys to consistently see messaging that they are bad people for just being born white or a boy. That is fucked up

One's a lack of representation and the other is active hate.

"The shift is a response to a racial reckoning within the company as well as years of criticism from civil rights advocates that content from Black users is disproportionately removed"

Could it be due to their black users being more content being racist online? That anti-white racism has been so normalized in specific subsections of black (and white) America that they don't truly think of it as racism?

“To me this is confirmation of what we’ve been demanding for years, an enforcement regime that takes power and historical dynamics into account,” said

a representative of the people who have the power to influence Facebook's hate speech policy and pervert it with her Acceptable Hate doctrine."

“We know that hate speech targeted towards underrepresented groups can be the most harmful,

This is not actually real and hopefully someone reading my blog can help me out with a source. My friend read this (and it was sourced at the time) in training for a job that made a general point about bullying that it was actually more harmful since the person who was being bullied is not very likely to be believed and the claim to be less likely to be taken in a serious manner if believed since the victim can't point to concept like "sexism" or "racism" to discuss why the person is abusing them.

At this point, I'd pretty solidly say that online anti-white racism is more damaging for anyone who's under 30ish. 

The white kids can't air their grievances about this to anyone, can't even acknowledge to themselves that this is actually abuse. They're being gaslit into the belief that they deserve this abuse because of their race or gender. Nobody's concerned about said abuse or the lack of support for these victims of aforementioned abuse, which makes everything all that much worse.

People of any other race have access to support groups, and to the sympathy and empathy from their friends and family along with the support of the law in countries such as the UK and every other sign that what happened to them was wrong and shouldn't be tolerated.

So if someone is still reading , speak up when you see misandry or anti-white racism on Reddit or other Social media, just as you would do also when you see misogyny or regular ol' racism on those sites

"Men are Trash" Quadrant: Content on which our enforcement undermines our legitimacy

For all you who are 22, live in Yonkers NY, and therefore can't read at an adult level (I guess I'm supposed to hate somebody so I've settled on this group because you have a ridiculous age and live in a ridiculous town), what this means is that Facebook thinks it's silly to be in any hurry to remove 'men are trash' posts, posts which are explicitly hateful towards an identity category.

All of which sounds a bit...systemic.

“We can’t combat systemic racism if we can’t talk about it, and challenging white supremacy and White men is an important part of having dialogue about racism,” said Danielle Citron, a law professor specializing in free speech at Boston University Law School, who also reviewed the documents.

Hey, a law professor and free speech advocate, which is precisely the sort of person governments tap to write laws, is of the viewpoint that being able to freely say "Men are trash" is vital to progress.

Remember in 2012 when people claimed that "SJWism" were online online extremists and any person with a problem with SJWs was simply being paranoid?

"she and her group members have also started to avoid ... phrases that pair the words “hate” and “men” or “disgust” and “men,” and most recently the phrase “men are trash".

“We are constantly getting reported, getting banned" Gordon said. ... "It’s hard knowing that we are being watched and that our expression is monitored and restricted.”


Also,what I am getting here seems to be that Facebook should just monitor white people's speech to remove hateful content. Harken ye back to the previous point that anti-white racism may have ended up being so normalized that the practitioners don't even have a clue it's happening.

I'm pretty certain that phenomenon already has a name: "whiteness". Even the name of this phenomenon of racism ingrained into a culture so much so that members of that culture may not even get that it's there and can't even acknowledge that possibly, just possibly, people of other races may run afoul of these exact human tendencies.

[Edit: Deleted the last line as it could have been misinterpreted.]
and what are those white kids ending up going to do? cope on 4chan? so frightening 

thats why this nonsense keeps occurring, no consequences, it costs them not a one dollar to be pro racism against whites, not even whites will stop giving Facebook money, and there is a totally zero chance that a mob of white people will burn the Facebook HQ 'ANTIFA'-style

omment removed by moderator

Internalized whiteness 💅🏽

They hate White people and if the case were White people treating blacks or latinos the way that Whites are being treated, it would be the end of the fucking world to all of these worthless woke dolts

Ultimately they'll come for the Jews again too like they do with the whites, so I'm keeping close watch over this as well since I'm not going to be one of those people who sits on my thumbs and lets this nonsense happen... doesn't matter what group it's happening to, if it were blacks or latinos I'd feel the precise same way.

Some people see a woke supremacy movement that is now underway in the US I fully plan on being a voice of reason to stop this Unfortunately, even if I am not too active on social media (social media is encouraging it and allowing it to occur, so you cannot battle this back on behalf of Whites on social media)

This is from a non white , BIPOC on social media related to the above points and I agree with their takes below (all in quotations): 

"Maybe I am a White ally. White people are awesome & I love them.

The thing I do like the most about White people is that when they cling on to some kind of ethnic culture that their ancestors had it is so cute. 

One of the reasons I use the screenname I do is due to me dating a Ukrainian girl who invited me over for Christmas eve dinner one time and her family were all wearing these embroidered shirts, they were eating pierogies and they had some... porridge made with buckwheat and raisins and that stuff was so damn base that I make it now on Christmas eve each year for my family. 

They were listening to Ukrainian christmas carols and they had a lot of cool byzantine icons in their house (including one of the nativity) and it was simply a very neat experience, and even though we went our separate ways, it got me into studying their folklore and learning about Ukrainians and their Ukrainian legends are just totally neato as heck--a lot of it is a lot akin to Viking mythology (another White culture that I like to read of from time to time).

I had an Irish mate growing up whose granddad was a storyteller and he would tell us stories that he got from his granddad etc etc

They were also cool as can be, a lot of things about warriors and mythological creatures like faeries and the sort. I don't recall them too well since it's been over twenty odd years, but I do recall we used to love hearing stories from his grandpa.

I think it's below the belt and cringe when latinos and blacks claim "White people have no culture, no soul" because they actually do, it's only that US capitalism has effectively abolished a lot of it, like it does with pretty damn near everything and it's sad."

You know, white people , latino people  ,Asian people, black people , native people, etc are all  great, every group has an interesting culture. It's sad we can't simply appreciate each other respectfully and work together for a better future without some elitist pricks attempting to incite hatred between groups simply because they want to divide by race so they can suck up more resources without any resistance.

 That's why I do my whole "bit" about "White people being great" & "White ally". If the trend was to hate on non whites, I'd be doing that same bit about them too. I originally came up with idea from this f*cked up cartoon called "Fritz the Cat" where these (or at least supposed to be) White girls (dogs iirc) were patronizing this raven (supposed to be a black guy) and going on about how "I love black people! I love your culture, music, blah blah blah". The point being was to illustrate how cringe it is to judge people based off of an immutable attribute even if one is doing so from a positive angle, but I think that flew over a lot of people's heads"

I grew up in the 1990s, so I don't understand when it became the in thing again to judge people based on ethnicity or race, but I don't like it because at some point the pendulum is going to swing back the other way and non white group(s) could be on the sh*t end of that blade at that time, and that wouldn't be that much fun at all for anyone

There is some possibility the pendulum that it will start swinging back in few years and I wish we could simply full stop in the middle where every person treats the other person as individuals but it appears like it's quite difficult to sustain that with our ruling class that wants us to hate each others guts. I believe that the ruling class will simply ride the pendulum swings and make them as extreme as they can get

But I don't feel the non white social media person I quoted above (who referred to themself as a 'white ally'
should fall into this trap of saying they like white culture. There is no such thing as white people, black people etc., in any legit sense or meaningful way as if people of a specific race share certain traits more so than people of other races share

There are some sentences in the quoted post above from the 'white ally' non white that I mentioned above that makes me believe that non white I quoted above who said they love white culture is drinking a bit too much idpol koolaid.

But if there is any "race war" etc, that non white 'white ally' should not be on the side of any race. They should be on the side of everyone who isn't a retard. They should not be a "white ally". They should an ally of every white, black, asian, etc person who realizes that any type of race war is a war against everyone

White Ally" is something that non white user I quoted above though came up with for them to mock the conception of "gay ally" and "black ally", which are being bandied about in specific liberal 2.0 b.s circles at the moment.

It's trendy and even encouraged to hate on White people... and that non white user who said they are a white ally do not hate on white people
They think they're great: they say whites come from cool countries with cool mythologies, and it's not a good thing that people try to say "OH WYPEEBO AINT GOT NO SOUL & THEY FOOD BE TASTIN' LIKE ****". That non white person I quoted above who is a white ally went to this performance of the Duquense University Tamburitzans and they can assure us that White people really can dance and their food like pierogies, kielbasa, and halupki, shepherd's pie & lutefisk are all pretty good.

Sometimes there are Nazis. That non white, white ally I mentioned above was sadly attacked by a pack of them when they were leaving an Agnostic Front show in Florida when they were younger, but that doesn't sour them on White people as a whole anymore than someone being mugged in Chicago by a guy who looks like Wesley Snipes sours them on black people. People are going to fall into two categories: being cool or being losers regardless of their race or ethnicity 

That white ally who is a non white likes to talk up White people since it makes other people uncomfortable to hear that kind of language coming from someone who looks like them (dark hair, tanned skin, Mexican) and it should, since seeing White liberal 2.0ers talk about how "great" black people are is cringe as can be, so they do the same thing about Whites to make a point

Though I break with that non white  white ally who says that there should be "White history month" and the "White entertainment television" (which only features content like Seinfeld (which is the whitest show in the history of TV). I think that person, while being a leftist and BIPOC, went too far here so I have to condemn this idea . 

He said he wants this since it too truly makes people uncomfortable but the point of going as far as he did is to show them how dumb ideas like "black history month" and "black entertainment television" are (like how the Satanic temple does similar things to Christians to force the US to comply with separation of church and state)

Yes that non white, white ally is on the spectrum, They are also suffering from schizoaffective disorder, so I get that people don't understand their true motives but they're fun and make unique weird points

Back to my commentary

They don't want a true war, they want a culture "war". The advertising industry, which Facebook is a big player in, discovered in the last few years that the sheer drama that wokeness generates is a a boatload of a cash that keeps on coming. Rile people up and they start arguing on your social media platform full of ads

If anything, SV simply doesn't comprehend that their actions have actual life consequences at all. They really do reside in a reality bubble.

I think that black nationalism is a rising issue however Liberal 2.0 Hypocrites.

It's a problem based on the utter hypocrisy of all of it and scholars like Ta-Nehisi Coates and Dr Ibram Kendi are cringe here, and acting in a wicked way at times because they've gotten to take racism, dress it up with a trendy p.c face, label it "Anti-Racism™" and then make it into a super lucrative grift.

There's no doubt that black people have been abused a hell of a lot by some White people in the past, but that doesn't give them an automatic right to turn around nearly a century later and do the exact same thing to Whites. It makes them even more bigger fools than the Jim Crow Whites that they relentlessly work to tie all White people to for the sake of their bank accounts since they should really know better and that's the part that truly bugs me about it: the outright outright hypocrisy and hate-ridden aims for vengeance. Where does it end? 

Because eventually the pendulum is swinging back in the opposite direction, so they can forget about me as a part Asian (Mongol Polish) Jew being part of their "BIPOC+" banner (if they view me as non white) and many other BIPOC feel the same way I do.

Many such BIPOC want totally no part of it since they don't want to go down in history as a vengeful piece of you know what who thought that racism was okay because we could benefit from it and I agree with them on this

It literally never ends though. Ethnonationalism is a mental illness. Anyone who waffles about "ra ra self-determination, I'm only looking out for my people" is a latent psychopath.

"low information voters" No it was only Jim Clyburn and the Southern religious black political machine at play. Clyburn was a very influential endorsement for Joe Biden and quite likely, that blowout in South Carolina is the thing that saved his campaign altogether. But Bernie Sanders was never going to do good with older Southern black Democrats - he did a lot better with the younger black people however. I saw a lot of people on BPT upset at their boomer parents which is funny.

So I guess I like when we take the melodramatic wokie language and apply it to white people?

I am only against the race war stuff,  no BIPOC needs to be a "white ally".

Unfortunately there are people, many of whom are latinas, who would unironically see the guy I quoted above who called himself a white ally, suddenly give them their "White card" for saying what they did.

I'm pretty curious as to the time when the woke racialists are going to go after the Jews, since that's always a pretty tell tell sign that we are dealing with sick pieces of you know what and I hate to be that person, but I'm not going to allow "it" to happen again... it has no relevance whether the scumbags are calling themselves "socialists" this time it happens and saying all of the in-demand liberal 2.0 slogans.

Because the race war that I think is going down isn't going to be a war like the narrative that the books like The Turner Diaries puts out there, it's going to be BIPOC unmercilessly persecuting Whites at the same time that Whites roll over and just take it since they don't want to be seen as "NaZiS".

It's already going on technically, and many BIPOC people (who like me regardless if I am considered white or non white by the woke people) don't want any part of the anti-Whiteness nonsense. 

Some BIPOC say they don't "owe" it to anyone caz some of them are a little tan or have dark hair, those people aren't "their" people, to those BIPOC people say that those woke Liberal 2.0ers are degenerate racist woke slime who have in some way managed to convince the country that racism is alright so long as racism is aimed at Whites since those non woke BIPOC people point out that to Liberal 2.0er woke people "Whites are uniquely evil" or whatever the twisted narrative of the woke religion happens to be (and I agree with them on this) 

Those BIPOC people say that the woke religion is merely a black supremacy movement (Liberal 2.0 variety, I don't get worked up about or offended with Left Wing black supremacy but I do loathe Liberal 2.0 black supremacy) and many BIPOC people and myself don't want to live in a world like that since it goes against every value we have as a kid who grew up in the 1990s.

Some left wing BIPOC people like I mentioned above said they plan on being the Schindler for White people if the time comes to the best of their ability, and it won't be much they say because they don't have Schindler type of resources but they say they will be very very invested if Liberal 2.0ers are to take part in going too far on hating on White people merely because a few people who look like aforementioned BIPOC people think that means that they owe their fucked up degenerate project their allegiance.

Though whites will put up a fight since I may underestimate the amount of white people that are gun and Faith-loving republicans who would very much not roll over for that.(too bad)

The whole "BIPOC" banner that I use a lot in my blogs.. its actually a coalition against Whites in some peoples minds that argues that racism is fine if provided a person is being racist against Whites. 

They want people to hate people based on white skin color, to segregate themself from them, believe that whites are "uniquely evil" and have some kind of original sin to spend their lives atoning for by wearing kunta kente cloths and kneeling to their woke superiors.

Whether I am considered a BIPOC or not a BIPOC, I want no part of that nonsense even though I could benefit from it if Liberal 2.0ers see me as non white (I have remote mongol Asian ancestry and I am part Jewish)

It is a horrible ideology from degenerate, deranged minds that has to be beaten upside the noggin with a ball peen sickle and hammer. Racism doesn't suddenly become OKAY merely because a person is being racist against the majority.

Race/sex/caste is all a disguise for class and everyone else is under the thumb of capital and its greed

The whole concept of white privilege is just used to insult and to degrade white people. 

I catch people say truly disgusting generalizations and then a person criticizes it and then they predictably claim "white people can't be racist!" 

Even if we follow this sort of logic, they are still dehumanizing and insulting a group of people (whites) for immutable characteristics. That is ABSOLUTELY not okay by me. The white privilege rhetoric is never used for anything that is positive, only bigotry. 

Insulting white people will predictably make white people become MORE racist, not less racist.

I know this is by design to make sure that people who are more tribal to distract them from class, but I wish the normal pushers of this logic who have at least a somewhat admirable intent would understand that this type of thing hinders actual progress of ending oppression.

Class based oppression has and always will be the most prominent variant of oppression. Even a few centruies ago when racism was extremely more prominent, racism was by and large pushed to justify dehumanizing and taking advantage of people for financial gain. 

Yes, non white people in the US commonly are in worse conditions financially, but there are a lot of white people who don't have 2 dimes to rub together and live actually challenging lives. This kind of thing is making those working class white peoples' lives even more difficult.

I hear people insulting and mocking "white trash". This is clear cut classism. The best motto one can live by regarding race is treating every person as individuals, and not as colors. The goal should be to elevate all working class people, not certain races of people.

Every time there is focus on "punching up". Every time. https://youtu.be/geQR8UagOQg?list=PLJ605IcOdrJfKicPpr02DxNfgkNprtgD4&t=24


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