Ronald Lauder

in response to this article:

I'm sorry but "World Jewish Congress" is a LOL name to choose if someone is trying to convince people that Jews don't run the world (which they obviously don't)

Like if among he biggest stereotype/conspiracy on Earth was the false belief that my hereditary group controlled global media, the last thing I would want to do would be to create an organization that explicitly makes statements about what global media should and should not do.

I wouldn't do that however because I'm not a dick wad Though still, seems like the type of stuff shell companies are quite exactly made for.

Not to mention , but Ronald Lauder is the Heir to one of the largest companies in the world, and they own hundreds of companies and they keep guzzling down more.

I might be mistaken, but I get the feeling that them naming their organization World Jewish Congress is on purpose. Sort of like standing their ground and staring all the stereotypes in the face. Not good optics though.

Actually come to think of it, I think these people didn't even try to consider this factor, or if they did consider it they don't care. Or, only a coincidence . Look? it is not a cabal, it is a congress!

They're out to get the exact thing they state that they want and that's the top and bottom of the situation.

At this point you can put the word Jewish in just about anything and it'll sound negative since it would breed harmful false stereotypes about the Jews

Like for instance the term "Jewish school system" might either be the legit name of a collection of Jewish schools that teach Hebrew, or an alt right bigoted conspiratorial reference to the US education system in its entirety

Yeah but the donkeys paw version. You get underground music though said music is just Kanye West. Kanye's music has gotten worse over time.

I'm part Jewish and I freaking can't stand these professional Jewish organizations who do nothing for us Jews financially, religiously, etc. 

They simply serve as pro-censorship organizations who promote the idea of us Jews as censorious victims who are consistently butting into people's affairs. They likely result in a net gain of anti-Semitic attacks, if anything.

I said this elsewhere in my blogs but it is in the professional interest of some of these organizations for there to be at least a slight level of antisemitism, because it is the reason their organizations exist.

Of course, this is not to say they are responsible for antisemitism or that antisemitism is made up or wouldn't exist without them.

There is a similar cringe logic at play with some ultranationalist Israeli groups. More antisemitism overseas (or maybe the perception of antisemitism) means more Jewish people making aliyah

A person doesn't exactly need a tinfoil hat to see how antisemitism and Israeli ultranationalism may be mutually reinforcing, and the way that it is possible for some politicians to benefit from a self-reinforcing repeating process of distrust, fear, and hatred.

Kanye's a looner and I've been deeply troubled (although somewhat rubber necking) watching his Nazi larping arc, but they can pry the few songs I liked by Kanye (like Through the Wire,Izzo Hova etc) away from my cold dead hands.

Or maybe it is due to these Jewish organizations being nothing more than crybabies helmed by super powerful and super rich people.

And to be honest, they only get a silver lining benefit out of the horrors of antisemitism because it keeps these organizations afloat and in the news

From my outsider's vantage point the way these organizations tend to be so engaged and tied up with Israel is a pr disaster, and I feel this really extends to both the 'Left' (not liberals who let's face it clearly do not give a hoot) and the '4chan' rightoids etc

The middle doesn't give a darn though. When Roger Waters said he wouldn't perform in Israel anymore , then later criticized Radiohead for same, people jumped all over Roger's case but he is based so that's what you get for saying anything true or ethical to American creepers

Maybe that's the reason for the elite. Keep us all in fear of oppression and to give the true violent racists ammo to keep them in fear. Just my two cents but it's always seemed like a savage (savage as in badass) form of control.

This nonsense by the WJC is only going to help Kanye. The few supporters Kanye still has will wrongly see this as (in their small minds) more 'Jewish World Control' or whatever BS conspiracies they adhere to. I don’t see any positives in Ronald Lauder's anti Kanye message here

But then again in what way is it BS when this stuff Kanye is doing is totally messing up his life? If he made fun of Amish people NO ONE (including myself) would care one iota and he’d still be raking in the dough with new endorsements

This video by the WJC is not proof of any Jewish control myth. If someone stupidly said what Kanye did but about black people, the exact thing would happen to that person which happened to Kanye, not because black people run the world, but because to state such b.s is to break a huge huge social taboo.

In some ways it is a little different to say what Kanye did about Jews but about blacks though since black people have different harmful negative stereotypes attached to them.

If someone idiot said nonsense like "Black people run the world" that would be a bit of an odd statement, since the racists look down on black people and don't think they are capable of having that much power

If a white country music star began appearing on interviews saying traditionally racist things against blacks that would be the comparable situation to what Kanye did with his situation with the Jews, and if the country music star were famous as Kanye, it would certainly create (deserved) blowback

Bigoted fools say and have said worse about black people for centuries. Joe Biden basically wrongly smeared all young poor blacks as potential criminals in the 1990s and he's the President today (even though Joe Biden is more of a criminal than the vast majority of blacks, since Biden has committed criminal acts while the vast majority of blacks have not)

Then if you go to Europe , gypsies get hit with bigotry just as much

I think some people are just seething since you could get away with saying about white people the same nonsense that Kanye said about Jews. So they're attempting to downplay what Kanye said. Such downplaying is bad ,take the Alex Jones interview Kanye did for instance

Some rightoids even claim "The WJC and ADL trying to cancel someone like Kanye from the media for his delusions about Jews is providing that Jewish conspiracy wrong how? " which is another downside in this 'cancel Kanye' strategy

So, this leads to this point; the Jews didn't cancel Kanye, financial institutions and corporate leaders cancelled Kanye. Adidas is a German company which was founded by former Nazis. It is not owned by Jews. Balenciaga is not owned by Jews.

Did all of these companies cancel Kanye out of cynical business considerations instead of any specific moral values? 

Yep.  Is the power these financial big wig corporations have scary and in need of regulation? Yes

Will Kanye's cancellation from these companies do anything positive for Jewish people? In all likelihood nope.

 Kanye didn't prove a damn thing about us Jews, and if you think that him praising some naughty naughtzie leader in a ski mask is gonna make some good points, you should probably head to 4Chan.

Kanye only slightly mentioned individuals, he said "The Jews with the contracts." I'm positive if we saw the details of his record contracts, we'd likely find that Kanye tried to screw people over himself

If a Jewish leader suddenly proposed to ban an ancient Christian church from his country that he rules over, in which at least 50 percent of the population belongs to, the whole planet would also collectively lose it’s sheet and that leader would be immediately be denounced and cancelled.

Only joking. We’d just give him more money.

Lol. Yeah right THIS is destroying Kanye's life. As if what Kanye said is merely “making fun” of Jews.

People and companies are on their own accord leaving him since they don’t want to endorse or enable this b.s by Kanye. 

Yet people like Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson are more than gleeful to allow Kanye to sh&t himself up on live TV just as long as it gets them attention in the lime light. 

The tragic part of this all is Kanye just really desperately needs some help, I don't know what help specifically but since his mother passed away he has only spiraled further and further. 

Saying “Jews control the media” is one dum dum and ignorant thing to say as many of people have said such rhetoric before, but the things he said on Infowars makes it seem obvious that he is straight up in another dimension , clearly exacerbated by the fact that a lot of people close to him who could have had the willingness/standing/emotional bond etc to make a case to him to get help have realized it’s not worth it and gave up on him. 

And can we blame them? Even before this conspiracy spouting by Kanye, it’s not like he was seen as some pleasant dude, talented yes but off his rocker and self-aggrandizing like so many others of his status

They are not respectable people even though I support circumcision for the most part

Really laughable how shitlibs will decry female genital mutilation on the grounds of consent and bodily autonomy, only to back circumcision since “it’s part of their culture”. So is FGM, and you know what, they’re both extremely f'd up.

HOOP needs to be a true organization. HANDS OFF OUR DI*ks

Is the Belgian state is PAYING FOR Deeck SNIPPING?!

The announcement came following MP Goedele Liekens (what a stupid name, her parents should be put in prison for naming her that and I am serious) of the liberal democratic OpenVLD Party confirming that her legislation to end refunding fees for circumcisions that happen in hospitals was the “first step in the correct direction” before submitting legislation to deal with circumcision. That’s pathetic

Back to the Kanye fiasco, this discourse is annoying. Kanye is really an ineffective and laughable advocate for an anti judaism sentiment politics. He comes across as a total fuddy duddy, and is easily losing his mind. But meanwhile people go up in arms about it and in doing so come off as shrill or trollish .2D chess moment. 

Kanye didn't even know who Benjamin Netanyahu was til late last year. This is similar to when Chris Chan began talking about the Dimensional Merge. Kanye is being fed propaganda by a bunch of weenies. We have to have Kanye to go on a rant about the color of Sonic's arms asap.

Kanye is getting this much heat because to his connections to 45. Kanye hasn't said anything that wasn't previously said by BHIs and Louis Farrakhan sorts for aeons.

But this is the type of a smoothbrain take by me since he literally fawned over you know who in public (on Infowars) and that is a massive humungous no no on steroids but I'm sure the DJT connection didn't help Kanye either.

It's pretty fucked up that our political-economic system is not able to medicate Kanye but it is able to tell several uninvolved people they cannot listen to the music that he made mostly years back

If they delete Kanyes music library on streaming I'm cancelling listening to music online until I die and reincarnate or relive my life over again and get back to the early 2000s decade. Are they going to delete the songs he produced also? FOH the World Jewish Congress should shift their focus to England, Ukraine, or whatever other European sinkhole there is for all I care

I guess it's time to go on those high seas . And lol at see this as a good idea.

Still sailing the seas due to pure spite.

The WJC should not give Kanye a false belief that he is on to something with his wild theories of 'Jewish control'. But that's what they did here. 

The WJC, ADL and AJC rightfully do have enough power to get people who say bad things about Jews cancelled because of those Jewish control nonsense theories and the negative impact they have on Jews needing to be shut down before they spread (source: ADL). But this may be circular reasoning


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