
Donald Trump isn't really a"populist", or even a distorted NazBol.and he is not moderate on economics 

Trump is maybe further right than Ronald Reagan economically and not anything remotely moderate economically. Here are some reasons why:


One of the primary reasons why people view Trump as less conservative economically is due to the spending. YET, this was not done by his choice at all. 

Over his first few junta aeons in office, Trump repeatedly sent budgets to Congress that had trillion dollar cuts in social spending wrapped in them. The GOP rejected those cuts even when they had complete power only since cutting it that much looks cringe before an election.

Moscow Mitch actually threw it out

This means that 45 is to the right of MITCH MCCONNELL on the budget issue.

Regulating businesses:

Trump was one of the farthest right when it comes to this issue, surpassing even Ronald Reagan. He made it nearly impossible to regulate anything via his executive order that each regulation would automatically repeal two. His environmental regulations, specifically were pretty shocking.


Donald Trump favors a national right-to-work law. AGAIN, he couldn't even obtain enough Republicans to sign this. Yet again, he is to the RIGHT of the mainstream GOP here.

Minimum wage:

Donald Trump wouldn't even touch a bill above 7.25.


Trump's initial plan called for a 25% top tax rate. The only reason why he did not go for this is due to the GOP controlled Congress refusing to let him cut the spending that would be needed to make back the money.

Social Security:

Donald Trump stupidly supported terminating the payroll tax. This would wrongly end all funding for SSI and Medicare. This was called the "third rail" of politics previously Trump in this instance is touching the right boundary of the economic Overton Window of even US POLITICS.


Donald Trump was actually pretty darn right wing economically. He USED POPULIST RHETORIC to win over the working class votes. This is typical on the right and is merely being used to be able to "talk left" but "act right."

So Trumps real policies were in actuality viciously anti working class, his complete ‘populism’ mantra was 100 percent fraudulent to the 99 percenters

Though Donald Trump presented a budget a few times it doesnt actually mean the president writes the budget. Its for the most part hashed out in the legislature and 45 was likely trying to do a bit of hack art of the deal nonsense to get a border wall since he fucked up in the start of his term and didnt get that done. 

He got scared in 2019 and shut the government down over a few billion dollars in order to get a wall carve out.

But fake populist economics are not that indistinguishable from the failed neoliberal economic policies which have plagued our society for too long. At least a fake populist has the decency to lie.

Economic Neoliberals on the other hand literally campaigns by telling voters "Go fock uff. Now vote for me."

Seriously at least the fake economic populist is acknowledging us leftist problems and talking about solutions.

Sort of hard to measure things like this since Donald Trump couldn’t hold onto to any policy wonk and he had zero idea how policy works or how to get things done in DC

Steve Bannon pushed 45 to get an infrastructure and jobs bill made but he was again incompetent, the Republicans fibbed and steam rolled him in the early part of his term on that.

Either hes too incompetent to make good on his populists promises or he never intended to. I don't see any reason he would plan to not achieve his goals if he wanted to win reelection

Anyone who defends Donald Trump or Republicans (like Aimee Terese in one of her multitude of more cringeworthy moments) is a fool in so many ways. 

45 is an unlikable businessman who exploited people's good will by appropriating anti-war, anti-finance, anti-corruption, anti-modernity rhetoric. 

This was Trump using such rhetoric yet not following through with it in any way, or even doubling down on the opposite, and it does not make him better than someone who does not use that rhetoric at all, It makes him a freaking traitor. Now, it was in a few ways clear that Trump was going to cuck out on said things anhow, but that doesn't negate the hard truth that he did betray his promises and majority of voters.

Trump and everyone associated with him should be drained with the rest of the swamp.


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