
Showing posts from February, 2023


My reactions to this People can be on one side of the tape for one policy, and also on another side of the tape for another policy Why is this so difficult for WSWS to get? With A.H on animal rights, against him on the entire fascist dictatorship, genocide and war thing...American pragmatism has gone crazy. Though this argument already sucks If leftists/lean leftists want to form an alliance with the extreme radical-right, it's not surprising some don't want to talk about A.H . But I'll humor them, give me an example from the past 170 years where an alignment with the fascistic right resulted in gains for working people on any issue? It's hard to get because most Americans do not have any idea that the political compass has 2 axes and at times you end up on the same side on issues that another axis bisects them on as is the case with the Rage Against the War rally. "The political compass" is made up, it

Photo Conmpass


Exh libfemdfni

from here There is a practical component to all of this. The question of humanism vs antihumanism is the question upon which the debate between liberal feminism and nihilist gender abolitionism will be based. The liberal feminist says “I am a woman” and by that means that they are spiritually, ontologically, metaphysically, genetically, or any other modes of “essentially” a woman. The gender nihilist says “I am a woman” and means that they are located within a certain position in a matrix of power which constitutes them as such. The liberal feminist is not aware of the ways power creates gender, and thus clings to gender as a means of legitimizing themselves in the eyes of power. They rely on trying to use various systems of knowledge (genetic sciences, metaphysical claims about the soul, kantian ontology) in order to prove to power they can operate within it. The gender nihilist, the gender abolitionist, looks at the system of gender itself and see’s the violence at its core. We say n

Exh bizaroousay

(from  Wikipedia ): "Despite their differences, Bizarro and Superman have teamed up on occasion. One notable example happened in Superman #379, when a strange creature appeared to be devouring Bizarros. Fearing he would end up alone Bizarro tried to steal Superman's duplicator ray. Superman convinced Bizarro he would be better off trying to stop the monster before making any more Bizarros.  The creature eventually devoured Bizarro, but Superman soon figured out that the creature was not trying to kill the Bizarros, but using their combined strength to defeat another creature which was trying to destroy htraE. The first creature was created as part of a plan developed by none other than the Bizarro Lex Luthor, who Bizarro referred to as a "punk hero." "In the imaginary story, Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?, which served as an ending to Silver Age Superman continuity, Bizarro #1 (the original Bizarro and the world's leader/greatest hero),

Water ssdino




Exh leftieAna

Left Anarchism : ( Wikipedia / Reddit ) from left Anarchism:  People who identify as left-anarchists differ from most other anarchists in a purely surface level way, in that when asked how we identify politically, we desire to make a pragmatic optics decision, in explicitly making clear that we're both leftists and anarchists. That way for now, anchoring the term anarchist explicitly to a mainstream struggle of left vs. right economic & egalitarian politics. The same way some socialists make the optics decision to tag on democratic to the word socialist. We feel this is an important strategy for being able to get our foot in the door with most people by overcoming a caricature and definition, that of being people who just want chaos and disorder, which we've been tarred with since almost all the way back to the beginning. So, depending on who you're talking to or what platform you want to stay unbanned from, I think we should accept that we may need to hide our power le

Exh J Foriegong wip 'Joe Biden nearly ended the drone war, and nobody noticed' "Immediately after taking office, [Joe Biden] set up a new system requiring White House approval for any strikes outside of active war zones (and later published Trump's loose rules that enabled so many civilian massacres). Now that the occupation of Afghanistan is over, that requirement applies almost everywhere, and it appears Biden is extremely reluctant to grant approval.  Where Trump oversaw more than 1,600 air and artillery strikes in Iraq and Syria during his first 11 months in office, Airwars reports just four during Biden's term so far. Strikes in Somalia fell from roughly 75 last year to fewer than 10 this year, with no civilian casualties. And in Yemen, the annual total dropped from about 18 to maybe four, with fewer than 10 casualties of any kind. (Precise figures are unclear because some strikes are c


The ideas in Vladimir Lenins state and revolution are VERY similar to Anarchism. So much so that Anarchist Emma goldman praised Lenin and the Bolsheviks at first. So I do believe that Leninism and Anarchism are compatible and I that is why as a Left Libertarian, I support these types of aspects of Leninism The labels of Marxism-Leninism and tankie have a bit of a complicated history to them. The short version is when I write Marxism Leninism I mean NON tankie Marxist Leninism (but like Marxism Leninism has Vatnik baked into it) I am talking about the actually meaningless ideology labeled Marxism-Leninism that has some point of divergence where it is no longer Marxism Leninism. So let's call this Marxism Leninism  ML2. This Marxism Leninism (ML2) is prior to the Marxism Leninism of early USSR when Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky started persecuting non-Bolshevik socialists This Marxism Leninism (ML2) reasons that away as Lenin diverging from his own theory (which is the Marxism Leni

Exh demwmw

Saying that Joe Biden is better choice for the left wing than DJT instead of saying they are equally bad choices for the left wing, is excessive centrism and condemnable  Republicans take 10 steps backwards, Democrats take 1 step forward. Liberal 2.0ers call that progress. Leftists like me call it a f*cking disgrace. A lot of things that the Democrats campaign on and take credit for, were by and large grassroots campaigns by progressive groups. For example, the DNC really fought a lot of state-wide decriminalization attempts, that's why the first legalized states had to use voter referendums. Then you got issues like abortion and gay marriage, which were undone by the courts and NEVER codified into law by the Democrats, despite having many opportunities to do so. The DNC are NOT allies to us leftists, they are dangerous. Perhaps the Democrats are more dangerous than the GOP, since the Democrats take up the space of a left party, while they ignore grassroots leftist organizing and g

Joe Biden comrade

Communism is when guberment does things Conservapedians don't like Join me in supporting comrade Joe Biden in his struggle to synthesize Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong thought Dengism Xi Jinping thought Trotskyism Luxembourgism Hoixhism Stalinism Kim il-sung Kim Jong-ilism /s   Its sort of like Molotov-Ribbentrop all over again if you go by Conservapedia's labeling of Joe Biden as a 'Communist' and a 'Fascist' I wish Joe Biden was economically left wing for real. Maybe we'll hear this from Joe Biden soon: ""Listen here buster, I'm fed up with all of your malarkey. I'm seizing your means of production and giving it back to the people who now are black for voting for me"  Biden distributing the melanin equally. (social scale communism. Sieze the means of melanin production) About time a candidate (Joe Biden) who would stand up for the most oppressed minority, gamers  /s 90% of those ideologies Conservapedia lists for Joe Biden are mutually