Joe Biden comrade

Communism is when guberment does things Conservapedians don't like

Join me in supporting comrade Joe Biden in his struggle to synthesize Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong thought Dengism Xi Jinping thought Trotskyism Luxembourgism Hoixhism Stalinism Kim il-sung Kim Jong-ilism /s  

Its sort of like Molotov-Ribbentrop all over again if you go by Conservapedia's labeling of Joe Biden as a 'Communist' and a 'Fascist'

I wish Joe Biden was economically left wing for real. Maybe we'll hear this from Joe Biden soon: ""Listen here buster, I'm fed up with all of your malarkey. I'm seizing your means of production and giving it back to the people who now are black for voting for me"  Biden distributing the melanin equally. (social scale communism. Sieze the means of melanin production)

About time a candidate (Joe Biden) who would stand up for the most oppressed minority, gamers  /s

90% of those ideologies Conservapedia lists for Joe Biden are mutually exclusive .These dimdolts at Conservapedia believe those things go together

Conservapedia has fascism and white supremacy thrown in Joe Biden's article as labels for him for some ducking reason. It's possibly both a joke and a deflection. Conservapedia: "see? This article doesn't mean a thing! It has absolute contradictions so you don't have to think about it at all."

Love that Liberalism is put in Joe Biden's article on Conservapedia for good measure too. Conservapedia “We’ve labeled Joe Biden a commie-Nazi but what more could we besmirch him with? Why the worst ideology of them all, Liberalism.”

.Hmmm. Yup Joe Biden is somehow , someway both a Marxist and a Fascist at the same time impressive /s

The Naughtzies were national socialists with the nationalist portion of that being the largest thing.

They were socialist in the same vein that Republicans are socialist. They support helping people, as long as those who being helped are the 'right' people since they do not want the 'wrong' people get that help. 

And members on the right and their people can every time get kicked out and forfeit the benefits merely by pissing off the wrong person in their Republican leadership klan.

Just look at how Republicans label any person who steps out of line, RINO; how their fans are welfare chauvinists

The Nazis did have SOME socialist tendencies, But for the people who they approved of. For the rest of the people it was pure fascism. They weren’t socialist like how we define socialism, but they sure as heck did have a few socialist policies for those people they APPROVED of.

The rest of their policies and behaviors were straight up fascism. They were evil scoundrals. Akin to the GQP in the US today. They have the same fundamental policies and aims, almost word for word, Yet both are for aiding those who they approve of and harming everyone else.

And a socialist. I am not a radical cheerleader for Joe Biden to put it extremely mildly. Though at least Joe's politics correct right?. And that is none. Biden is a complete shill. Joe  plays to the highest bidder

Everything to the left of actual Fascism seems to be Communism according to some people like the Conservapedia editors

What in heck's name is "Xi Jinping Thought"???? It's is sort of like, if he ever comes to mind for any reason then bam you just had done a grave atrocity. Why is it phrased like this?

One redditor asked after seeing this screenshot "isn't white supremacy something positive and fine in the Conservapedia ilks eyes?" and he/she was followed up with this reply "Yes for the first answer but calling it white supremacy to the Conservapedia ilk is bad."

They like Conservapedia only throw around words with zero understanding of their meanings.

I always feel it’s sad that they simply use these words as catch alls for all political policies they dislike. I mean, I’m not the hugest fan of communism, but at least I know what the heck it is. Real shame.

I was expecting Biden's Conservapedia article to say 'Democrat Party'

Joe Biden is the real life version Senator Armstrong according to conservatives

The people who genuinely believe that Joe Biden is a Marxist don't have the technical tools to create a website like that.(though Conservapedia is powered by Media wiki)

But how can we expect Conservapedia to make sense? To them Joe Biden is fascist, Communist, Marxist and Socialist at the same time.

If Joe Biden is managing that, then Joe being pro BLM and white supremacist at the same time is not an issue. (not to mention a few of these people think that BLM in and of itself is a white supremacy movement. Don't ask me how, but maybe see here for a clue)

Joe Biden's ideologies in his Conservapedia article sound like a new set of hair products

Joe Biden is very ideologically versatile Not that's my president dictator! /s

Seem like Conservapedia got some help from VoC foundation on this Joe Biden article

Joe Biden is in the eyes of Conservapedia a Marxist-Liberal-Fascist. That is logical right? Just buzz word soup.

Sometimes I seek to find out what drug are the Conservatives are injecting themselves with when they say nonsense like in the Joe Biden Conservapedia article unironically .Democrats being anything more than center/center-right is such a joke


Holy cow they complain about Nato aggression in Ukraine?. When did conservapedia become based?

I’ll take a stab at this and say Conservapedia being ANTI Nato is really a Tucker Carson -type isolationism thing, in combination with an admiration of Vladimir Putin as a strongman leader.

Maybe combined further with Hunter Biden Ukraine corruption thing and a knee jerk opposition to anything a Democrat president does .I wouldn’t expect any sort of ideological consistency from conservatives.

If DJT won the election these Conservapedians wouldn't give a f about NATO in Ukraine


So Joe Biden supports BLM according to Conservapedia but he is also a white supremacist at the same time according to Conservapedia too?

"Marxist color revolution" is like " a wet fire", a blatant contradiction.

Real color revolutions try to Atlanticize the target nations they happen in , and Marxists have spoken out against them for decades. How bonked in the minds are these conservatives?

Drone strike thing:

At what time did conservatives consider non combatants being droned and migrants dying a bad thing?  Since Joe Biden became President! (or maybe they're criticizing him for not killing enough)


I didn't know uncyclopedia got renamed as Conservapedia

Conservapedia is not a serious thing even to conservatives

Conservapedia is living in an alternate reality

I wish someone could create an account on Conservapedia and simply spam 'citation needed'


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