
When I draw healthy ideas from Alexander Dugin's 4pt and mix them with leftism to sanitize them, that said mix comes out like a mix of socialism that is economically radical and culturally conventional-cultural British light nationalism, with patriotic communitarian, one-nation partish, National Communism and OUN-M thought. Basically something like this

4pt is way less bad than third political theory. I am post-left anarchist/left anarchist/marxian Anarcho Libertarian so the healthy ideas I draw from the 4pt often provide for fierce arguments . 

The post-left/left anarchy/marxian Anarcho Libertarianism I support and Alexander Dugin's 4pt share much common ground with the postmodern aspect yet my post left anarchism/left anarchism/marxian Anarcho Libertarianism absolutely differ in its application from the way Alexander Dugin's 4pt is applied. 

Edit: he also calls for unity for all those against the west/modernism. So my above comment about common ground has weight.

The post-left/left anarchy/marxian Anarcho Libertarianism I support intersects with Alexander Dugin's in terms of in our philosophies but as a post left anarchist/left anarchist/marxian Anarcho Libertarian I apply such philosophies in vastly different ways than Alexander Dugin's 4pt which i find interesting. 

I am not an authoritarian, never have been, but Fourth Political theoriests (including from Alexander Dugin's 4pt) and futurists are the auths i'd say i have the most in common with philosophically.

I’ve had a surprising amount of LibCentres get along with me. Mainly because it’s mostly a different method towards similar values/wants. I have been sent hate mail/messages by authcenters, but its each time the futurists and 4pters who take a liking to me - for the same reason. 

Post left anarchists/left anarchists/marxian Anarcho Libertarians like myself and Alexander Dugin's 4pt adherents are guided by philosophers like Heidegger, Max Stirner, Michael Foucault and Jean Baudrillard, but us post left anarchists/left anarchists/marxian Anarcho Libertarians like me differ from Alexander Dugin's 4pt in the way we post left anarchists/left anarchists/marxian Anarcho Libertarians interpret those philosophers and the way we use their methods to analyze the world around us. 

Where a Alexander Dugin's 4pt follower would point out social constructs and seek to preserve them, an egoist like me would seek to overrule them in their mind and incorporate them only at their own benefit.

As a post left anarchist/left anarchist/marxian Anarcho Libertarian, my acceptance of that things is more a facing facts, and working from there instead of the Alexander Dugin's 4pt way of thinking this is necessarily a good thing. (But then again, what I think is good is just that; what I think; and I damn well think that)

Post left anarchists/left anarchists/marxian Anarcho Libertarians like myself and Alexander Dugin's 4pt have a similar process of arriving at our conclusion - both of us similarly fact based and amoral while acknowledging the subjectivity of this decision making.

I draw some healthy ideas from the 4pt like corporatism and sanitize them where they come out leftish and as a fusion of cooperativism and *humanistic corpacracy .Such fusion ideas I use is useful for me in criticizing poor and incompetent leadership and also close to the heart of western values/civilization.

That fusion idea I embrace is very practical and functional. But absolute they end up being too Darwinist Left. So these are good healthy ideas I draw from the 4pt I sanitize to move leftward that are alternatives to capitalism but there are better alternatives to outright capitalism than these left wing sanitized healthy 4pt ideas I draw from at times.

I mean me drawing a healthy idea from the 4pt and sanitizing it to make it leftist by simply adding welfare is not a sufficient enough idea to oppose capitalism, but it goes a very long way.

So i draw and sanitize to make left healthy ideas from the 4pt to make an ideal economic model more or less used by me strategically to oppose capitalism/neoliberalism. I have some specifics and other stuff too though. For example, I sometimes sanitize healthy ideas from the 4pt with a guild system installed for independent workers, and a specific system for local council ownership to move such healthy 4pt ideas leftward

Too much regulation also decreases its efficiency though, which is its main advantage. That’s why alternatives, like voting rights from multiple parties (social corporatism fused with Xi Jinping thought/Dengism/China's Social Market economy) should be used to sanitize any healthy 4pt idea to move it leftward.

*Humanistic corpacracy is where the typical roll the state plays is replaced with registered customers. This includes allowing local communities to nationalize, and nationalize more industries nation wide. Like maybe nationalize water, progressively charge for it so it makes money and all who needs water receives it; apply to each utility and infrastructure, maybe even education and healthcare.

I also take a few ideas from SocDist (Social Distributist) ideology that are similar to 4pt and I align them

It is true that Alexander Dugin thought influenced my 4pt views which inspired me to incorporate some of my own political ideas (as mentioned above and below), constructed for the American context, and for me to apply them to a new theory called Social Distributism. 

Before I continue, let me be absolutely clear, as pointed out elsewhere: Me nor Social Distributism itself AGREE WITH a lot of things that Dugin has said or has penned and any ty to write me off as disingenuous is not true. 

Social Distributism is my a part of my proposed “Fourth Political Theory” meant to challenge the Liberal 2.0 global order, but in particular in the US.  The whole notion of the “Fourth Political Theory” is that a new political theory will come about that will challenge Liberalism (now known as Liberalism 2.), such as fascism and communism did previously, but if we are to overcome capitalism we will have to rethink how we conceptualize politics and from this reconfiguration a “fourth” theory gotta rise. Yet, the fourth theory in US will be different in a unique way than it is in Russia, Brazil, China, India, Africa, and vice versa. 

The era of “universalist” political systems (systems that have an imperializing essentialism in which countries must either unite or be destroyed) like communism and Liberalism 2.0 needs to end and the global capitalist system has to be replaced by a “multi-polar” world in some way. While the SocDism that I support shares such of these types of ideas, I and SocDism do not share anywhere near all of Alexander Dugin’s ideas, and in some parts I am clearly opposed. Some ideas are embraced such as the ones described above, but that’s largely where the similarities end.

My 4pt includes rejected and heterodox ideas from People's Democracy/Democratic Centralism and Post statist-Ultra Ura Patriotic variant of Austromarxism 


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