EEB not for me

There is nothing wrong or offensive about using the terms father', mother or male or female in science or anywhere.Those words have had positive meanings for centuries and I see no value or material gain erasing them (not that I think that hoopla is as bad as gender critical fems and terfies make it out to be). See here, here and here for more

There is NOTHING wrong or offensive about using the terms “citizen science” . Sorry but our world has borders and citizens and there is absolutely nothing wrong with distinguishing between citizens and non citizens

The Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB)  Language Project are out of touch, radlib woke individuals for trying to this woke b.s . Those words they want to get rid of are not troublesome or harmful to 99 percent of our society and have been used for ages without issue. Anyone who is offended by those words should seek mental help not try to police our speech and change words that have been used everywhere for centuries. 

What the EEB said in the above article in their woke virtue signaling drivel about white supremacy, patriarchy, colonialism and heteronormativity wrong, false and nonsense. Nobody takes those morons seriously with that nonsense.  They are out of touch with society because that wokeness doesn't fly with the vast majority of Americans, Canadians etc. 

We should not change our words to coddle the feelings of a very very extreme small percent of people in our society. 

It is this type of wokeness that I want to purge from our society and I will. Those researchers at that project should be fired and blacklisted.   They are going to create a backlash against Liberal 2.0ers and Democrats with this junk that will be irreversible .They have to stop pushing these unpopular, contrarian idiotic woke changes or they will suffer a backlash that they will never see coming.

Average people don't want these changes. They are trying to get by. These changes would be extremely unpopular . 

There is no need to make these dyspoian, Orwellian changes. Notice the virtual signaling newspeak in that article by these fools, with their coercive words like 'inclusive' and 'equity'.   Those words are used to spread wokeness and to control speech and push for radical liberal garbage policies and we have to rebel.  I am going to make sure this Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB)  Language Project  gets shut down and don't get their way. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

These researches were talking to the most woke people out there (too online Twitter radlibs), so its natural they'd come up with this woke Language project but its still no excuse

I will always use the words, mother, father, male, female, citizen, citizens science , maybe more than I did before because for in between for at least and basically in the case of all those words except mother, father, male, female if we let these woke liberal 2.0 radical extremists change our words with pushback and resistance, and let them control and police our speech our society is dead and unfree. They are creating a woke dictatorship controlling and changing names just like George Orwell wrote in 1984 and I won't let them get their way. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH freaks


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