Exh cdfoidfio

In this Left Wing Free market Anarchist, Mutualist society there will be a strict application of natural rights, self-ownership, and totally unregulated Austrian economics in a stateless society in order to "eat the rich"

Left Wing Free market Anarchist, Mutualist would retain the classical liberal ideas of self ownership and free markets.There would be a Gary Chartier type of property system, this type of property system and Benjamin Tucker’s type of property systems in this society

Left Wing Free market Anarchist, Mutualist free markets in this transition, taken to their logical conclusions would yield anti capitalist, anti corporatist, anti hierarchical and pro-labor society (i.e libertarian-egalitarian anarchist society (Inclusive Democracy). This is because in a truly laissez faire free market, the ability to extract a profit from labor and capital would be negligible.  

In this Left Wing Free market Anarchist, Mutualist transition, to avoid private appropriation and accumulation and free competition causing unequal wealth distribution, the state would be stopped from transferring wealth to the wealthy (which they do by subsidizing organizational centralization in the form of transportation and communication subsidies) by focusing on organizational issues, decentralized manufacturing and the informal and household economies

Black markets and counter economics would be one of the methods used to help threaten the state authority and state capitalist class This is because Capitalism is an exploitative system based on privilege backed by the State agorism

There would be alternate institutions built , piece by piece replacing the statist, capitalist, society. This would be a gradualist approach to dismantling and replacing the state with new forms of social organization.

Somewhere in this transition stage, all 6 monopolies would need to be abolished to go along with this Left Wing Free market Anarchist, Mutualist transition , as outlined here. These monopolies include the Agribusiness monopoly, the infrastructure monopoly, the utility monopoly, the security monopoly, regulatory protectionism, and the healthcare monopoly 

Using the existing market, producer and consumer cooperatives, small enterprises, mutual aid institutions, do-it-yourself collectives, community gardens, credit unions, etc would be initiated. These wouldn’t tend to directly conflict with Capitalist institutions. The state would also be influenced through pressure groups and lobbying. The main effort would be the creation of alternate institutions. At some point these would become strong enough to challenge the state.

During this Left Wing Free market Anarchist, Mutualist transition , the Capitalist and Statist privileges would be removed from the free markets. There would eventually be voluntary cooperation and exchange. These freed markets would have no corporations or a social hierarchy. The lower class would thus be liberated and all exploitative hierarchies would thus be abolished to create this freed market .These will thus be freed markets (eventually liberating the lower class).

You can have free markets without Capitalism because Capitalism originally never referred to a free market but to a statist class in which capitalists controlled the state with the state intervening on their behalf

The entrepreneur would be the driver of this new freed market instead of the Capitalist and state benefited Capitalist (typically one in the same) .

These elements below also maybe might be part of this Left Wing Free market Anarchist, Mutualist stage but if they don’t mesh with the above system, they would serve as an alternative transition method to get to our libertarian-egalitarian anarchist society (Inclusive Democracy)  . 

They are based specifically on Benjamin Tucker’s version of Mutualism which Left Wing Free market Anarchism and Carson-Long Mutualism is based on. We can use the label anarchist-anarchistic socialism to describe Benjamin Tucker’s version of Mutualism interchangeably as to distinguish them from the Kevin Carson-Roderick Long variety above but they basically the same thing and same methods

As per this, monopolies (like the patent monopoly, land monopoly etc) would need to be abolished

In this anarchist-anarchistic socialism and maybe Left Wing Free market Anarchist, Mutualist transition, wealth would initially be distributed equally (freed markets naturally equalize wealth).  People would be paid in proportion to how much work they do and that exploitation or usury was taking place if they weren’t working.

Employers would still be able to own companies or workplaces in several different areas as long as the employer pays their employees the full value of their labor. 

In this anarchist-anarchistic socialism and maybe Left Wing Free market Anarchist, Mutualist transition people would get paid in proportion to how much labor they did and that exploitation or usury would take place if they were not doing that labor 

Land titles would not be granted to unused land since an individual should use land continually in order to retain exclusive right to it, as to avoid land monopolies

There would be no state protection of the banking monopoly, i.e. the requirement that one must obtain a charter to engage in the business of banking. 

Wages would be raided by deregulating the banking industry, so that competition in banking would drive down interest rates and stimulate enterprise. This would decrease the proportion of individuals seeking employment and wages would be driven up by competing employees. Tthe same blow that strikes interest down will send wages up

In this market, unregulated banking would cause more money to be available and this would allow proliferation of new businesses that in turn would raise labor demand for labor. People would receive equal amounts of labor would receive equal pay and interests, profits, rents and usury would disappear

So these freed markets would cause more money to be available and in turn this would allow proliferation of new businesses which would then raise demand for labor. Thus this would vindicate the labor theory of value due to equal amounts of labor would receive equal pay. If this didn’t work, it would still accomplish what Left Acceleration accomplishes

The government would not be overthrown by violence. To get rid of the government, widespread education and passive resistance in forms such as refusal to pay taxes, the evasion of jury duty and military service and the non-observance of compulsion etc would be used. Once society reached this state, individual liberty for all would prevail as a matter of course

Each person would reap the fruits of their own labor and no person would be able to live in idleness on an income from capital. This would a great hive to workers who would be prosperous and free individuals to carry on their production and distribution on the cost principle rather than a bureaucratic organization of workers organized into rank and file unions. As an aside, I am pro union . I see unions as intelligent and self-governing socialists because they promise the coming substitution of industrial socialism for usurping legislative mobism

Governments would exist consisting of any belief and in any shape, or form, but the governments would be supported by voluntary taxation and those people who chose not to pay the taxes wouldn’t get the benefits or protection of the voluntary government. Economically, there would be a socialist free-market system where employers would pay their employees the full value of their labor due to the abolition of legally-protected money and land monopolies.

Wage labor and the boss-worker relationship very well might be eliminated or nearly eliminated

These articles expands on what would happen in the Left Wing Free market Anarchist,Mutualist/anarchist -anarchistic socialism part of our transition before we become a libertarian-egalitarian anarchist society (Inclusive Democracy)

Eventually as we shift from Left Wing Free market Anarchist,Mutualist/anarchist-anarchistic socialism closer and closer to a libertarian-egalitarian anarchist society (Inclusive Democracy) we may need a decentralized planned economy to coordinate the means of production and distribution to supply and deliver goods and services that are vital throughout our society and the national economy along with shifting from money to labor vouchers and personal credit since as noted below that is what Inclusive Democracy is about.  


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