hacksaw dugin

 Alexander Dugin is critical of Nauthtizeism but he has made slip ups in that regard during and after he was a member of the fascist Pamyat society and I disavow him and all of his bigoted views. He also helped inflame modern Russian fascism which is cringe.  Hence why I don't support his version of the 4pt or him at all

So I disavow Pamyat and Alexander Dugin and Dugin's 4pt . 

BUT :“He is a crypto-fascist! He’s a Nazbol (National Bolshevik)!”

In the past, such as the early to mid 1990’s, Dugin had affiliated himself with the Russian National Bolshevik movement which had some elements of anti-Semitism, nationalism, and by proxy - fascism. However, by the late 1990’s Dugin had distanced himself from the National Bolshevik movement and the racist elements of the far right. In the 2000’s he began incorporating Eurasianism into his theoretical worldview and essentially became the main advocate of the idea of building a Eurasian alliance against that of the dominant western Liberal powers - the USA and UK particularly. 

Eventually he theorized what became the Fourth Political Theory which rejects Liberalism, Fascism, and Communism and wants a global anti-imperialist and anti-Liberal struggle against the stranglehold of international capitalism. 

He writes, multiple times, in his writings that we must reject racism, Nazi ideas about race, embrace our cultures and our peoples while celebrating and interacting with the immense diversity of peoples who all should have the right to autonomy and self-governance. Some of his ideas would even make anarchists blush in terms of decentralized laocracies. Leftists don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to Dugin because anyone who reads Dugin gets “fashjacketed” (labeling someone a fascist in order to turn people against them). 

This is not a healthy way to discuss or share ideas, this is a way to control and limit what people can learn.

In anarchist and other left groups groups Alexander Dugin is also shunned like a pariah…I will give his work the 4pt a shot (and by extension him) . Though from my vantage point it makes sense. I am just wary of this whole 4pt thing because I’ve heard bad things about him from my comrades but I’ve never seen a lot of leftists defend Dugin.


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