I love Edward Snowden

 "I'll never stop being amazed at the species of commentary from people who demand proof of courage from Edward 

 -- who risked all his liberty to reveal the truth about NSA to the word -- yet themselves have never displayed an iota of real courage or risk in their lives:

Beyond the immense courage Snowden displayed at 29 -- risking life in prison to reveal unconstitutional spying -- he's always repeatedly criticized the one government keeping him from life in prison.

It's never enough for those who've risked nothing:

When we broke the Snowden story, the NYT did everything possible to avoid calling us "journalists" - in part out of jealousy, in part from anger that Snowden distrusted them with the story (), in part to serve their NSA sources.

Glenn Greenwald
Mar 17
By the way, when looking just now for a separate article by NYT's Sullivan mocking the NYT for why Snowden validly didn't trust them with the story (https://nytimes.com/2013/11/10/public-editor/sullivan-lessons-in-a-surveillance-drama-redux.html), I find my favorite headline ever:

A review of the book of Bush/Cheney's NSA & CIA chief, Michael Hayden

10 years later, they're still using more tactics

Replying to 
No matter how you choose to define 
 ‘s actions, no one can doubt his bravery. Amnesty for Snowden and 

Horton H.A. Whoo
Oct 23, 2022
Replying to 
So because 
 courageously, and at serious cost to himself,  exposed the American govt for trampling on its citizens rights, he's now expected to comment on every single thing wrong in the world? Who could keep up?

I don't see the logic in this thought process at all.


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