Reeeply J Bdien spch

I am not good at putting my words into writing, but what I write below about Joe Biden is framed around this article by   (Biden and the Demonization of Anarchism by and based off said article's talking points)

So Joe Biden openly painted everyone who supports Donald Trump as basically evil (instead of the fringe , insufferable or violent Trump supporters and even those fringe and violent MAGA are more vulgarly and toxically right wing anti statist than what Joe describes them as). He also gave a September 2022 speech that no President should have to make (which having to give that type of speech as a President by its very nature is divisive and a tad enflaming) in August 2022 about Donald Trump and Trump supporters as threats to democracy (instead of the violent ,insufferable and fringe Trump supporters) 

I can't help but think that this stuff can sink his reelection chances a bit.

Though Biden's labeling of Trump supporters and Anarchists arguably don't mean much, in terms of law enforcement powers. What we have to worry about, I believe, is the overall exhaustion, after the pandemic and civil unrest, which makes it easy to lump "anarchist" /"Trump supporter" and "violent extremist" together in all cases, at least by people who think that things are someone going to get "back to normal" (in some way that generally reflects their hopes more than any previous status quo.)

Even if Trump supporters are to blame, they are only partially to blame. 

Joe Biden’s speech in late August should have been more about patriotism than partisanship . 

Joe Biden was mean spirited, wrong and cringe for calling people who are against same sex marriage, ‘homophobes’.You don’t insult, demean and trash people you don’t agree with. 

Contrast those agitating speeches above by Joe Biden along with Biden (or who is controlling him) demonizing, smearing and insulting people who have concerns over kids becoming Transgender or who are pro life to how a more ideal President like Abraham Lincoln properly handled people on the other side who were against his policies . Though Biden privately hates Lincoln because Biden is a segregationist

Even Barack Obama respects people who disagree with him on gay marriage, as he showed when he criticized Hispanic Trump supporters

No US president from former President George W Bush and prior would say that being against children becoming Transgender or being against Transgenderism or being pro life is wrong or immoral. They would all recognize at the very least the diversity of viewpoints on LGBTQ and abortion issues.

In fact they probably all  with the exception of former President Bill Clinton would be against that Transgender stuff.  So I am basically adjacently echoing what Hillary Clinton's 2022 advice to Joe Biden on the Transgender stuff.  

When Donald Trump was junta leader for all his uber Trump ups (i.e f**k ups, and there were so many Trump ups it would take the length of the Universe just to write out the most obvious ones), he never came too close to the  "everyone who doesn't vote for me (Joe Biden) is a threat" rhetoric"  

But actually Joe is technically correct with that narrative, people who don't vote Democrat are threats to Democrats and by extension their brand of Democracy (like Liberal 2.0 Democracy)

Leftists like me prefer different types of Democracy for now with a future of a stateless, classless, hierarchyless society afterwards, Republicans prefer Constitutional Republics. MAGAs like Mike Lee prefer some denigrated Democracy

What exactly did Trump do to split USA? He was constantly saying that Americans should be the first priority for the US, which is naive and ignorant but not divisive (only divisive in Trump divided Americans from their International allies but mot dividing Americans within the US from each othrr)

I realize Biden backtracked a bit here but Trump also backtracked in August 2017 after he praised neofascist Charlottesville alt right trolls. We'll see how that plays out

Mainstream Democrats and Liberals 2.0ers are Authoritarians on the political compass (as are nearly every American politician on both sides, Democrat and Republican, see PCM for more). Trump supporters are generally not a threat to democracy no more than Muslims are a threat to democracy. Trump supporters are more of a threat to our patience more than anything

The fact that Trump and his supporters are perceived by them to be extremists is not really an excuse. Just like it is no excuse for the ‘far right’ or radical right become like they are due to Liberalism 2.0 and economic troubles pushing them further right (The alt-right is primarily a movement of spoiled rich babies who turned to hate). Angela Nagle’s book Kill all Normies expands on this and I generally echo everything she wrote in that book

I guess Donald Trump and his brand bring out the worst in people including their targets like the Democrats I guess or is it the other way around, chicken or egg thing?

I feel sorry for Joe Biden for being driven (at least in his mind) to his Anti MAGA speeches and comments by some bad apple Trump supporters 

The Liberal 2.0 faction of the Democrats don’t respect or trust this country to do right and they come off a bit cold to some people they don’t agree with and I do not see how doing so is a positive or helpful thing. 

Liberal 2.0ers adopt views to paint non Liberal 2.0ers as bigots when they refuse to go along with said views through open blowback like you would see in Russia

How can any sane person see all of the above and below things they are doing and not see this? 

You would have to be high on Liberalism 2.0 (Democrat or Republican)  not to agree with at least a little of what I am saying here. Whatever happened ‘when they go low we go high?’

I realize that Joe Biden and MAGA didn’t get off to the best start in January 2021 but that is no excuse for such populist and non inclusive rhetoric from Joe Biden over the radical right (even though I know Joe Biden took back some of that rhetoric later). 

On Matt Taibbi's article here

Instructive to be so harsh on this article by Matt as I do below, most of which is me writing “what happened to Matt Taibbi?” or “he’s Glenn Greenwalding again.” I admit there are hardly any criticisms of Matt below that are of substance and I do acknowledge that I should marry what I write below on Matt with the fact that Joe Biden’s address in September 2022 at the end of the day was an explicit, overt call for expanded security state powers and censorship.

to quote Emma Vigeland "Hahahahahahahahahahahaha" (nervous laughter?)

To echo Ana Kasparian "What a fucking joke (of an article by Matt)

When people completely change ideology at the same time they receive a bunch of funding from dark entities like people known to hold that newly held ideology and fund puppet mouthpieces for corporate and political gain, it's a pretty good indicator that the person hasn't genuinely changed their ideology but instead has decided that huge piles of cash outweigh their values (though people exaggerate differences between the left, liberal 2.0ers and the right and a lot of people on all 3 sides are basically arguing for the same things at times without even knowing it).

When a person who professes to hold strong left wing political ideals suddenly starts running interference for and defending those who are textbook fascists, it's a pretty good indicator they didn't just suddenly have a political revelation that changed their ideology.

But sure, I suppose there are some people who exhibit a strong grasp of history who "have a change of heart" and start peddling easily verifiably revisionist historical stuff and flat out fibs or white lies--because "alternative facts" now apparently exist as a real thing, like the Bowling Green Massacre, and January 6th 2021 was a standard tour of the Capital Building.

Though I need to consider the possibility that my perspective above is slightly extreme ? Like calling me people you disagree with “textbook fascists” for example?  Like here's the thing. I disagree with lots of people, groups, and lots of different ideologies. I disagree with a lot of my own friends and family on a great deal of many political policies and religious beliefs. Funny thing though, I don't call all these people fascists nor do I think they are fascists or even fascist adjacent. The only people I call fascists are those who exhibit clear fascist behaviors and tendencies.

It can’t be that people like Matt changed their perspective or anything like that. They’re simply being paid to say things you disagree with

Yet Taibbi did change. H used to mock Trump and Trumps supporters for falling for his lies. Yet he understood how Trump happened but did not have full throated defenses of Trump and his supporters .

So I am not saying that Matt didn’t change. I’m just arguing that people could genuinely change their perspective to something you disagree with and not be influenced by money. I changed. I used to say similar things as tiabbi. But I eventually changed my perspective also and I wish I was getting paid for it but I’m not

What motivated Matt Taibbi being anti Trump to being defending Trump and his supporters?

Well Matt might have taken some time talk to people he disagreed with, or as time went on he saw things that he previously didn’t consider. Media lying relentlessly, liberal 2.0ers who would have seemed reasonable before Donald Trump certainly changed a lot. Plus the rise in gender and race politics has definitely made a lot of moderate liberals rethink their affiliation

What makes things like this article by Matt Taibbi worse is that people like Matt actually believe in it. A lot of these folks are still stuck in the 2016 era political analysis. In their mind Donald Trump supporters are secretly socialists waiting to be woken up by a populist figure. 

In order to make them an overnight socialists you must give up on social issues, abandon the democratic party and work with the populist republican party to overthrow the establishment together. It's literally that "I'm with you brother" political cartoon unironically.

Jimmy Dore was retroactively my 2nd favorite youtuber (behind Kyle Kulinski) from 2015/16-20.

I liked when Dore criticized the Center Left Blue Dog Democrats and the anti contrarian left Blue Dog Coalition but that criticism by Dore turned to most Democrats, including the ones I like. For example, Jimmy Dore shifted the bulk of his criticism from those Blue Dogs to Justice Democrats in 2019 and I retroactively started to slip and by 2020 I was done with Jimmy.

I like his position on medicare for all, foreign policy and supporting Bernie (before Jimmy turned on him).

To be fair, Matt knows his edgelord audience well. Matt figured out he could make more money if he sucked up to the MAGA trolls (did he huff too much Fox News?)   A lot of criticism of Matt's article here does sound a bit like "What Matt Taibbi said wasn’t wrong but is something a right winger might like so it’s wrong and he’s a grifter”

First and foremost, also the war on terror was evil and bigoted. So if I sound like I am celebrating or laughing about this in my replies to Matt's article that is not my intention and I am sorry

Is it hyperbolic? Yes. But, it’s also the kind of clickbait we’re used to after ~15yrs of gaming algorithms, à la YouTube, hard for me to blame them for that. It sucks, but it’s capitalism.

Still, Biden is also a HUGE fan of cops and combating dissent  I don’t trust him either.

What the hell happened to Matt Taibbi?  He was a good journalist not too long ago. Matt jumped the shark then crawled inside its mouth 

Him having bad takes isn't as rare as you think

Matt Taibbi inadvertently referred to MAGA as the domestic terrorists that they are with that title - which is kinda cool and hilarious lol

Matt is right, it starts with a poor choice of lighting for a speech, and next thing you know it’s War on Terror 2.0 /s

How can one criminalize something (MAGA) that is already criminal? Criminalize Trumpism"? Um, Trumpism is just the call for trolling against political / ideological opponents and ignoring laws for one's personal benefit. I'm pretty sure that's all criminal to begin with, so isn't Trumpism already criminalized?

Donald Trump got in trouble over top secret documents and some people say he even sold some of them ... but Joe Biden said nasty things about people who are not his supporters so that's worse lol /s

That shift as the New York Times Pitchbot goes from parody to straight-up retweets. The number of times per day I have to verify something (like Matt Taibbi's article here) isn't taken from @DougJBalloon  is stunning.

Matt Taibbi's is going to Taibbi. This dude saw Trumpism’s rise first hand, understands all the dangers. I’m sure we’re missing the nuanced point here… we’re to imagine a future dystopia that Democrats are flirting with and conveniently forget that the right has married that dystopia and is spawning a million of its babies (but then again some chud might counter 'but my side castrates children so we have no leg to stand on. Well I broke my ankle in 1997 and I stood just fine on my crutches)

The Liberal 2.0 crowd who mocked Matt Taibbi here once again reveals to the leftists/independents how little they understand their views, how they are constantly protecting establishment power, and how they constantly seem to be on the wrong end of things, while trying to mock their superiors...simply amazing.

Love Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald and most of those being bashed in the comments on Matt Taibbi's article on Joe Biden's September 2022 speech. The difference is TYT, their pals and supporters are Democratic Party Loyalists (as a defense mechanism) and some are not. Some like Matt Taibbi are Independent. Not Ind. party true independent. It's ok just a very different political stance.

Can't believe I read this guy's books and respected his journalism at one time.. He has become such a parody of himself  (though I like some parodies, I am a fan of 2gether after all)

Just a terrible sentence: “He looked shaky as he hobbled onstage Thursday night, but at the podium the drugs kicked in and Joe Biden delivered a commanding speech, by his standards” 

What do we call this by Matt? Going Glenn Greenwald? It’s too bad he used to have a better sense of what was happening. 

How can people like Matt Taibbi watch Trumpism -- and the election objecting, and the January 6th fiasco (Rep. Lofgren goes as far to say that Donald Trump’s attempt to go to the Capitol turned January 6 from a riot into ‘Coup Attempt') and the dozens of states not embracing my views on ID laws, and gerrymandering to all hell -- and decide that *Joe Biden* is the evil one for saying "democracy is good"??? socdoneleft

Well let's pretend it didn't happen /s. However, Joe Biden is making no effort to hide that he's sending in his allies to target his political opposition like MAGA (and is proud of it) as his September 2022 speech indicates under the guise of the above gaslight

Yeah, the game like how Matt is playing it has played itself out. Donald Trump legitimately appears (at least the way the MSM/Wikipedia/social media show) wants to pull some 1933 Germany-level sh*t just to be the top dog.  If Matt, as a self-described leftist is still making excuses for Donald Trump he will be seen by politically sensitive Liberal 2.0ers as 'LINOS/PINOs running interference for semi fascism' (LINO/PINO means Liberal/Progressive in name only)

At the very least the headline gets 4 Pinocchios. The War on Terror has been brought home since the Patriot Act, Donald Trump wrongly used agencies created for the War on Terror like ICE and DHS to attack people in America including US Citizens as well as threaten and intimidate his political enemies. Matt Taibbi cares more about being offended at Dark Brandon memes than anything the US government is doing to repress people domestically. And then Taibbi goes on to grow his nose more and more becoming like a crazed and inflaming Fox News person

They only read headlines and arrive at their weak little adversarial conclusions because it feels good to hate on someone.

Matt reminds me of Maoists in the '60s. In-fucking-sufferable.

Every Republican that MAGA is not about knows it's not about them, and is likely rightfully and desperately hoping that Trump gets sunk somehow because they rightfully hate being even remotely associated with him at this point.

It’s weird that these people can’t distinguish between populism and criminality. Being populist doesn’t mean you also need to support overriding the Electoral college or electing people like Trump

I admit with my criticism of this Taibbi article, I may come off as I actually have not read the piece. So maybe I need to read this article more times to be more fair and balanced. I mean if I go this path I might end up saying "Matt sounded like a man telling the TRUTH! He just pointed out what we all know is happening" Oh dear

"He looked shaky as he hobbled onstage Thursday night, but at the podium the drugs kicked in and Joe Biden delivered a commanding speech, by his standards. He handled an early bout of hoarseness like a pro, matched affect to content most of the way, and fumbled few words and none seriously.

But something was off from the start. Biden’s handlers had the otherwise inspiring setting of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall bathed in so much blood-red light, he looked like an opening act for Queensrÿche or Rammstein. Trying to create a setting for judgment and warning, they overshot the staging and made the white-haired ex-Senator look like a vampire sat up from a crypt."

Such great journalism right there. Joe Biden is a heavy metal drug addict vampire. Thanks Matt Taibbi.

Matt Taibbi is a spineless power worshipping journeyman beholden to the almighty dollar. And kind of sex pesty too. Matt Taibbi’s sec pest escapes are highly under discussed and under reported.

He’s fluent in Russian, which is on its face impressive …and he used to live in Moscow but he’s also a bit too sympathetic to Russia for his own good. …Too sympathetic to Russia for the good of common sense as well.

Matt Taibbi is the very liberal reactionary/right-wing apologist that he used to criticize during the Iraq War days

Yet we can't judge an article by a loaded article title right?

From reddit "Further proof that Taibbi .... is just Anti-American."

"People should be anti-American, Taibbi is trash and can't even meet that standard though".

My reply is that people should be anti-imperialist, just being Anti-American opens one up to supporting non-American imperialism and fascism in the name of being against the US empire

Anyway I provide this reddit thread to balance this post out a bit. Though keep in mind that every single time the US claimed they were starting a war on terror the incident citizens in that country suffer greatly. This will be no different.


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