I echo everything that Anya Parampil said to Tucker Carlson in this segment on Venezuela from 2019. I love how she owned/pwnd him (video titled "Journalist Anya Parampil Schools Fox News On Venezuela")
Saying that Joe Biden is better choice for the left wing than DJT instead of saying they are equally bad choices for the left wing, is excessive centrism and condemnable Republicans take 10 steps backwards, Democrats take 1 step forward. Liberal 2.0ers call that progress. Leftists like me call it a f*cking disgrace. A lot of things that the Democrats campaign on and take credit for, were by and large grassroots campaigns by progressive groups. For example, the DNC really fought a lot of state-wide decriminalization attempts, that's why the first legalized states had to use voter referendums. Then you got issues like abortion and gay marriage, which were undone by the courts and NEVER codified into law by the Democrats, despite having many opportunities to do so. The DNC are NOT allies to us leftists, they are dangerous. Perhaps the Democrats are more dangerous than the GOP, since the Democrats take up the space of a left party, while they ignore grassroots leftist organizing and g...
(from Wikipedia ): "Despite their differences, Bizarro and Superman have teamed up on occasion. One notable example happened in Superman #379, when a strange creature appeared to be devouring Bizarros. Fearing he would end up alone Bizarro tried to steal Superman's duplicator ray. Superman convinced Bizarro he would be better off trying to stop the monster before making any more Bizarros. The creature eventually devoured Bizarro, but Superman soon figured out that the creature was not trying to kill the Bizarros, but using their combined strength to defeat another creature which was trying to destroy htraE. The first creature was created as part of a plan developed by none other than the Bizarro Lex Luthor, who Bizarro referred to as a "punk hero." "In the imaginary story, Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?, which served as an ending to Silver Age Superman continuity, Bizarro #1 (the original Bizarro and the world's leader/greatest hero), ...
Alexander Dugin is critical of Nauthtizeism but he has made slip ups in that regard during and after he was a member of the fascist Pamyat society and I disavow him and all of his bigoted views. He also helped inflame modern Russian fascism which is cringe. Hence why I don't support his version of the 4pt or him at all So I disavow Pamyat and Alexander Dugin and Dugin's 4pt . BUT :“He is a crypto-fascist! He’s a Nazbol (National Bolshevik)!” In the past, such as the early to mid 1990’s, Dugin had affiliated himself with the Russian National Bolshevik movement which had some elements of anti-Semitism, nationalism, and by proxy - fascism. However, by the late 1990’s Dugin had distanced himself from the National Bolshevik movement and the racist elements of the far right. In the 2000’s he began incorporating Eurasianism into his theoretical worldview and essentially became the main advocate of the idea of building a Eurasian alliance against that of the dominant west...
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