The UK government is fascist and evil

Those works by Smith, Tolkien ,Orwell, Lewis, shape my political philosophy and everyone in politics especially and outside of politics should have their political views shaped by Orwell, Lewis, Smith, and Tolkien. Just because right wingers like something doesn't mean it is extremism. 

The Left have continuiously dehumanized the right wing and made them out to be monsters to the point now that the authoritarian fascist UK government labels anyone reading books that right wingers read as 'on the path to right wing extremism' Fuck you Prevent you sick fascist retards. Guilty by association is false you dumbfuck losers.

Seeing the UK and prevent do things like this make me want to become right wing. I refuse to align with people who do such things. It is against my values, morals and against the values and morals of over 90 percent of our planet. Prevent UK are far right and they will pay for what they did

LOTR is about great challenges , stepping outside your comfort zones , bravery , great friendships and never giving up against all odds . The things liberals are NOT made of

Prevent and the UK government almost seem like NOT THE BEE pardoy with their hit job on thos works. The vast majority of people who are fans of works by George Orwell, CS Lewis, Adam Smith and JKK Tolkien are NOT right wing you stupid crumpet sucking pasty skin freaks in the UK

CS Lewis teaches timeless values. It is not extremist ,it is the opposite of extreme. 

To the UK government Muslims are more of a threat to your country than fans of those works above.

It is the same thing the US did with Muslims in the 2000s decade. This is bad faith, petty punitive and it proves the UK hates their citizens. We need an uprising in the UK to make the UK government pay for this

If I got warped to an alternate history reality where the Nazis destroyed Britain during WWII, seeing as how terrible their country has become with stuff like this I think it would be hard for to not feel a little relief abut the Nazis doing that (in the vein of George Custard 'we fought the wrong enemy') 

I am going to force millions of British children and adults in the UK to read 1984, CS Lewis books, Adam Smith and Lord of the Rings just as a fuck you to the fascist authoritatian shitty UK government and Prevent 

I am going to force the UK government and Prevent to remove the works of George Orwell, JR Tolkien, CS Lewis and Adam Smith as 'red flags' for extremism and I will force them to remove them from their extremism Prevent list .I will be at the Prevent and UK government offices in 2024 or 2025 and I will force them to remove those works from their Prevent list. I am not leaving the UK until I do. The UK has declared war on freedom and their people and all that is good and I will not allow those fascists to get away with this

If there is one country that needs an insurrection to stop the government from being authoritarian and a threat to its citizens it is the UK since their government is authoritarian fascist extremists who hate right wingers (imagine living in a country where the government hates you).  I will force those works to be a key part of the UK government and society (I will use the Labour party as my vehicle to do it). Snowflake  soyboy CUcKs cheerio eaters. We have to do something about the UK and I will soon. Boris Johnson and his sucessor are major retards for allowing this shit to happen

Of course Prevent did not add the CRT, and some of these soft porn kids trans books to that extremism list in the UK instead of good, wholesome positive books. Of course not Prevent is a partisan radlib Liberal 2.0 extremist hate group that is why  . Hypocrite mother fucker Liberal 2.0ers sickos. These mother fucking Liberal 2.0 pieces of shit whine and whine out of their neckbeard fat mouths in their gay looking onsie pajamas about 'right wingers banning crt, 1619 project, trans books for kids whhhaa wahaahahahahah' but these sick dweebs are doing the same thing here with Adam Smith, JK Tolkein, George Orwell and CS Lewis.  I have to do something about this now.

The Quaran is way more liklier to cause extremism than those works that the evil fascist statist orwelliean UK government and their partisan corrupt Prevent program added

If me being a huge fan of CS Lewis, 1984 by George Orwell, JK Tolkein and Lord of the Rings and Adam Smith makes me a right wing extremist then right wing extremism is base and color me right wing extremist. Whatchya gonna do about that Willis? 

The reason the evil Orweillian UK government (how ironic) are trying to prevent people from rightfully reading 1984 because it’s essentially the Globalist playbook used by globalist losers like the UK. These pieces of shit like the UK government don’t want people thinking critically because they want to control your thoughts, actions and you. They are everything that George Orwell warned us about in 1984. These evil acts like what the fascist authoritarian UK government and prevent are doing will continue until we stop putting up with it and by god I will stop it. Those works will be removed off of Prevent's extremism list because I am going to the UK to force them to drop those works off that list.

The ironic thing is I am more radicalized to become right wing after hearing that the Prevent and UK governmetn falsely and wrongly and mind numinbly senselessly trying to make believe that some of the best works ever written are 'right wing extremism gateways' than I would be reading said works. I almost want to just become as far right as I can be and move to the UK just to get the UK government and Prevent back for this. I am serious

I am going to the UK to purposely program millions of UK children to read and live their lives based off of Lord of the Rings, George Orwell, Adam Smith and CS Lewis just to say fuck you UK government loseers

The UK government and their bias evil hate group Prevent falsely , wrongly and senselessly listed Lord of the Rings in their fake false extremism list because they are getting personal.. This is because the UK government want to eliminate the UK culture and I won't let them do that.

The UK and prevent doing their hit job and evil rotten fake fascist partisan hit job is what causes right wing extremism not those works they listed and also way more than Islam does by far.  I feel like fucking signing up to be a member of the UKIP party caz of this. Boris Johnson is a piece of shit for allowing his government to do this and Keir Starmer should pay for allowing them to do it (Starmer's wife is a cunt)

I echo and agree with this blowback of that stupid, idiotic smearing report got hereherehereherehere , hereherehere, here, here, here, here

"As part of this department, there's something called the "Research Information and Communications Unit," or RICU, that looks into materials that cause people to become radicalized. The entire program is based off a WWII propaganda ministry that might be considered a blend between Orwell's Ministry of Truth and CS Lewis' National Institute for Coordinated Experiments (NICE)."

The UK government is a threat to the lives of their citizens and they are a threat to freedom, equality. The UK government are the extremists. All of those writers supported democracy

The Liberal 2.0ers like that evil rotten Prevent use those buzzords like 'protect democracy' Hello you fucking losers, banning books that are good, positive, wholesome and teach timeless excellent moral values like the works of CS Lewis, Adam Smith, George Orwell and LOTR/JK Rowling will undermine and destroy democracy.  If reading and taking ideas from Smith, Orwell, Lewis and LOTR and being patriotic and supporting Coach Kennedy's right to pray by himself after a game is a 'threat to democracy' then I am going to destroy democracy because if democracy says that stuff is a threat is democracy that means democracy is evil, fascist and needs to be destroyed.

The British government is fascist and is turning into the real life 1984 that George Orwell wrote about. Stupid crumpet stuffing britbong anglo crackers. Archie Bunker was right about Brits (but they are not faggots they are political sodomites, sodomites as used in the on lgtbq way like the sodomy crime that the Black Hammer guy was charged with)

I am going to the UK and forcing Prevent and the UK government to remove the works by George Orwell, Adam Smith, JK Tolkein and CS Lewis from there make believe counter terrorism list (which just a list to give them an excuse to go after their political opponents akin to McCarthyism in the US in the mid 20th century)

They even wrongly and falsely smear center right people and 'actively patriotic' people  as right wing extremist. Hello you woke evil radlib UK freak pieces of garbage, the vast majority of British people, Americans, Canadians, Australians are patriotic and not far off from being center right. You dumbfuck fuckheads.


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