Exh cufiuyy

Filter this through my complex and personal spiritual beliefs:

Christians United for Israel provide a national association through which every pro-Israel church, parachurch organization, ministry or individual in America can speak and act with one voice in support of Israel in matters related to Biblical issues.

I support Christians United For Israel defending Israel and their fight against antisemitism in our communities, churches, college campuses, the media and on Capitol Hill.

I echo this statement by them “As the largest pro-Israel organization in the US, with over 10 million members, Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is the foremost Christian organization educating and empowering millions of Americans to speak and act with one voice in defense of Israel and the Jewish people. CUFI’s diversity across political, ethnic, generational and denominational lines maximizes our impact in communities, in the media, on campus, and in our nation’s capital. CUFI is committed to confronting indifference and combating antisemitism in all its forms wherever it may be found.”

Christian Zionism and Christians United for Israe are not antisemetic, only anti semeties would claim otherwise.  Christian Zionism has helped the Jewish people by providing the impetus and support for the creation and ongoing upkeep of Israel and has provided the Jewish people a safe haven to call home. This, especially after the trauma of the Jewish diaspora, so this seems like a positive thing.

The US has the highest Jewish population of any nation in the world - in big part due to anti-Semitism in other nations. So it's super unlikely that Christian Zionists are anti-Semitic and are trying to get rid of Jews when in the US which is the country the Christians are a majority in are so welcoming to the Jews.

Also note, evangelical Christians in the US became Zionist after Israel’s Six Day War when Israel allied solidly with the US and the USSR turned on Israel and started to heavily support Israel's Arab neighbors. 

It's not just theological - it's more that US evangelical Christians tend to be super patriotic, and Israeli success assists the US. If you go to any pro-Israel evangelical Church and you will hear about a Second Coming a lot. You will hear about Israel being our ally and sharing our values.

People who are against Christian Zionism falsely have Christian Zionists confused with the Crusade of Romanism, who were actual anti semites who showed faux pro Jewish tendencies (in order for personal gain) . 

Though even if Christian Zionism is like the Crusade of Romanism , it wouldn’t be such a bad comparison for them:

The Jewish literary figures, including Josué Jéhouda, downplayed the Crusade of Romanism‘s anti Jewish hate.  Mermoz & Talez pp292-294

The American Jewish Committee papers claim that the Crusade was "a Fascist group which did not have anti-Jewish tendencies", which they quoted Stelescu's statement "that he was not a Jew-baiter and that, although his party was nationalist, it was inspired by genuine Christian principles."

These writers basically claim that the Crusade might have contextualized its antisemitic reflexes within a pro-Christian bias. Istrati's articles in Cruciada Românismului are more adamantly philosemitic. One of them, "A Letter to Love", led to a series of articles on the subject, from Stelescu and other Crusade people..     /irony-post irony

See herehere

Yeah, for how much? I'm sure it's not literally zero, but compared to ordinary things you'd expect Christian Zionists to support (missionary activity, support for settlers, etc)?

I mean I guess some might consider missionary outreach anti-Semitic yet that's a fraught question - after all, it's basically fundamental to many Christian denominations that a person should convert everyone to Christianity. I'd say that baseline for evangelicals to convert everyone.

Christians United for Israel were the main group pushing for the embassy move.

Anyone who is ra ra US is gonna to want the embassy move to Jerusalem. Congress has asked for that embassy move for decades. The US looks fine when we help our friends, and it's been very weird we haven't put our embassy in Israel’s capital due to "realpolitik" baseless concerns. Which btw never materialized. Turned out a lot of Presidents were afraid for no reason.

The doors to Jewish immigration to the US were sadly more than a bit tightly closed throughout the 1930s and 1940s.

That's clearly true and a terrible black eye for the US. However all countries senselessly closed its doors to Jewish immigration at the Evian conference. A few Jewish refugees went to country after country, turned away at each one due to anti Jewish madness, until they were returned to the NDSAP goon squads. 

The US was admittedly worse than the US should have been, though the US were not worse than other countries. More good than the many that really oppressed or murdered their Jewish citizens, the US thankfully didn't do that the US just turned away Jewish refugees. There's a reason why at the end of WWII so many Jews came to the US.

It's not nitpicking to say that most Evangelicals became pro Israel just after the Six Day War. That fact is at the heart of Anti Christian zionist arguments and proves that their support for Israel came from Israel's alliance with the US

To haters who falsely claim that Christian Zionism is anti semetic , is Zionism as held by the Jewish people who support having their own home nation also anti-Semitic?

Zionism is not strictly dependent upon Christians. Since the destruction of the 2nd temple, Jews long desired to return to Zion (i.e: Israel). Up until more modern history, in fact, Christians were very much anti-Semitic (meaning anti-Jewish, not against all semitic people) etc

Anti zionism can just as easily be called Anti semetism as Christian Zionism is called Anti semetism
Christian Zionism is as driven by antisemitism as much of the anti-Zionism today is driven by antisemitism. So if you are Zionist you are anti semetic, if you are anti zionist you are anti semetic so you can’t fucking win. If Anti semetism is everywhere its NOWHERE

Saying that Christian Zionism is anti semetic is Anti Christian bigotry and hate. Anti semeties on the left find easier targets in attacking Christian Zionism than with attacking Jews themselves. See this for more

However, I want Christians United For Israel to become decentralized , to stop hijacking Judaism for its own goal, to stop pushing for our politicians to be Israel first and support and to support a fusion of Jewish Autonomy , reasonable AnCap dispensationalism, fused with these ideas in this thread (which combined is essentially post zionism)


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