
Showing posts from March, 2023

WF SMeiow

What happens if I support the unicorn extremely rare 'right wing talking points' that are correct and good or will be proven to be correct and good at some point in the future? (not that I do now just asking). I think  this ,  this ,  this  and  this  provides a unique insight and expansion of this thought I am taking this  AskALiberal thread  as a shield/armor (like the LoZ series Mirror Shield/FFIV Adamant Armor/MJOLNIR from Halo), to prevent me from falling into the Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, Candace Owens, Haz trap . So help decondition me in line with the advice in that thread by commenting me on any views I have that to you are 'right wing talking points' I am critical of the whole 'right wing talking points' smear but for the sake of what I write below I am using it strategically to make a point. For me I try not to fall into the right wing talking point trap or even to decondition myself if I did fall in, I have to avoid and or continue to avoid looking for a

Rite wring talk points

My insight personally on right wing talking point things can be found here  and with me as an example I touch on political purity tests here If you think supporting the police or not voting Democrat makes you a conservative who just wants to bait a reaction maybe it's time for you to touch grass, too. Some sects of Liberal 2.0ers and Democrats will believe everything is wonderful , since they never hear anything bad, and will dismiss factual reports of bad things because it's coming from "the other side".  Opinions that deviate from the corporatized leftist norm of Liberalism 2.0 are shunned, and the people who express them often find themselves alone amongst other leftists, or even thrust into the arms of the centre or right. Woke and woke-adjacent people have become gatekeepers that essentially do everything they can to make you believe you are actually a right-winger or centrist, and it took me a degree of self-confidence to realise this was blatant gaslighting If

EEB not for me

There is nothing wrong or offensive about using the terms father', mother or male or female in science or anywhere.Those words have had positive meanings for centuries and I see no value or material gain erasing them (not that I think that hoopla is as bad as gender critical fems and terfies make it out to be). See  here , here  and  here  for more There is NOTHING wrong or offensive about using the terms “citizen science” . Sorry but our world has borders and citizens and there is absolutely nothing wrong with distinguishing between citizens and non citizens The  Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB)   Language Project are out of touch, radlib woke individuals for trying to this woke b.s . Those words they want to get rid of are not troublesome or harmful to 99 percent of our society and have been used for ages without issue. Anyone who is offended by those words should seek mental help not try to police our speech and change words that have been used everywhere for centuries.  W

The UK government is fascist and evil

Those works by Smith, Tolkien ,Orwell, Lewis, shape my political philosophy and everyone in politics especially and outside of politics should have their political views shaped by Orwell, Lewis, Smith, and Tolkien. Just because right wingers like something doesn't mean it is extremism.  The Left have continuiously dehumanized the right wing and made them out to be monsters to the point now that the authoritarian fascist UK government labels anyone reading books that right wingers read as 'on the path to right wing extremism' Fuck you Prevent you sick fascist retards. Guilty by association is false you dumbfuck losers. Seeing the UK and prevent do things like this make me want to become right wing. I refuse to align with people who do such things. It is against my values, morals and against the values and morals of over 90 percent of our planet. Prevent UK are far right and they will pay for what they did LOTR is about great challenges , stepping outside your comfort zones ,

Exh wom eeeyreyr

I ask political commentator Emma Vigeland (TYT/Majority report) in a way that the majorityreport youtube users would want challenge me on my views on women erasure (like below) and to have a discourse and a literal conversation with me about my views on women erasure to bring me leftward on that issue. Emma, at minimum tell give me ideas to better reframe my views on women erasure so I can get my point across without offending the Liberal 2.0ers and trans community.   Ana and me are concerned about woman-mother erasure because cis women are under attack just like trans people are. In some places femicide is a huge threat, abortion access has been made harder for US women, and there is nihilism or waryness for feminism by Gen Zers (plus the rise of Andrew Tate's macho cultists). So cis women like Ana who are concerned with women-mother erasure deserve to have their voices heard too #letherspeak I acknowledge that trans-folks have a hard enough time as it is and that haphazard remark

my 4pt encludes

I am a  Fourth Political theory subscriber  and the 4pt motto is "beyond left and right but against the center" which I adhere to (and is also against Liberalism 2.0 as a whole which I am also against)

hacksaw dugin

 Alexander Dugin is critical of Nauthtizeism but he has made slip ups in that regard during and after he was a member of the fascist Pamyat society and I disavow him and all of his bigoted views. He also helped inflame modern Russian fascism which is cringe.  Hence why I don't support his version of the 4pt or him at all So I disavow Pamyat and Alexander Dugin and Dugin's 4pt .  BUT :“He is a crypto-fascist! He’s a Nazbol (National Bolshevik)!” In the past, such as the early to mid 1990’s, Dugin had affiliated himself with the Russian National Bolshevik movement which had some elements of anti-Semitism, nationalism, and by proxy - fascism. However, by the late 1990’s Dugin had distanced himself from the National Bolshevik movement and the racist elements of the far right. In the 2000’s he began incorporating Eurasianism into his theoretical worldview and essentially became the main advocate of the idea of building a Eurasian alliance against that of the dominant western Liberal


When I draw healthy ideas from  Alexander Dugin's 4pt  and mix them with leftism to sanitize them, that said mix comes out like a mix of socialism that is economically radical and culturally conventional-cultural British light nationalism, with patriotic communitarian, one-nation partish, National Communism and OUN-M thought. Basically something  like this 4pt is way less bad than third political theory. I am post-left anarchist/left anarchist/marxian Anarcho Libertarian so the healthy ideas I draw from the 4pt often provide for fierce arguments .  The post-left/left anarchy/marxian Anarcho Libertarianism I support and  Alexander Dugin's 4pt  share much common ground with the postmodern aspect yet my post left anarchism/left anarchism/marxian Anarcho Libertarianism absolutely differ in its application from the way  Alexander Dugin's 4pt  is applied.  Edit: he also calls for unity for all those against the west/modernism. So my above comment about common ground has weight.

Ezh exxcifiofg

Instead of Left Anarchy/Anarchy without Adjectives, we should have Anarcho Conservatism Anarchism which is more ‘early non socialistic New Deal’ than ‘real socialistic New Deal’ (which would be a rare form of Anarchism that unlike Left Anarchy/Anarchy without Adjectives, this form of Anarchism would call for either part of SSI to be privatized or call for the same thing to happen to SSI that Jo Jorgensen wants to do go SSI  Anarcho Conservatism Anarchism promotes prosperous lifestyles (as well as the best for the continual sustenance of a libertarian social order) which it be encourages, especially via positive influence (not ostracism), and calls for employing covenant communities which may exclude those who violate common values . Fact checkers prove this Our government should ideally have no subsides (unrealistic to abolish subsides all together) but realistically have much less subsides. This would help retain order and balance in a paternalistic way  There would be some large (lik