
Showing posts from December, 2022

Exh Putgbhhjjj  from Sue Walters   t is true that one significant marker in the march toward social justice has been irrevocably passed: silence and invisibility. The days of homosexuality as the unspeakable and unseeable, and as easy and acceptable targets for violence and denigration are forever past.35 There is no going back in that sense. But anti-Semitic and racist move- ments do not, for example, disappear simply because it is no longer publicly acceptable to utter racist and anti-Semitic remarks.36 Anti-gay animus does not simply retreat in the face of public “tolerance” of gays, as any quick glance at an evangelical website detailing the evils of homosexuality will tell you. Indeed, what is even meant by “gay rights” is in question. The quest for equal treatment is often centered on a paradox. On the one hand, gays (and ethnic and racial minorities) argue that gayness doesn’t matter; in making laws, taking a jo

PC ing

 PC My What is or isn't offensive views can be found here Liberal 2.0ers use to believe in free speech but now they have gone mad and are against it. “Political correctness is America's newest form of intolerance, and it is especially pernicious because it comes disguised as tolerance. It presents itself as fairness, yet attempts to restrict and control people's language with strict codes and rigid rules. I'm not sure that's the way to fight discrimination. I'm not sure silencing people or forcing them to alter their speech is the best method for solving problems that go much deeper than speech”  George Carlin “If liberty means anything at all it means the right to say things others don’t want to hear” and to quote Betrand Russell on freedom of speech “ The fundamental argument for freedom of opinion is the doubtfulness of all our belief... when the State intervenes to ensure the indoctrination of some doctrine, it does so because there is no conclusive evidence

Exh hummnjj


Exh postfeminism/postcolonial feminism

Postfeminism As a postfeminist, I want a society that is no longer defined by rigid gender roles and expressions. I feel that views that separate the sexes and genders rather than unite them are more sexist than they are feminist. I critically seek to understand the changed relations between feminism, pop culture and femininity.  As a Postfeminist, I support critiquing in a healthy way second wave feminism and third wave feminism by questioning the binary thinking and essentialism of those movements, the sexuality vision of those movements , and the perception within those movements of the relationships between femininity and feminism. This critique is due to the collectivist morality nature of second wave feminism and third wave feminism   I politely disagree with postfeminists who deny entirely the notion that absolute gender equality is necessary, desirable or realistically achievable but in an agree to disagree sort of way. But I can see where are coming from when I view things thr

Exh zcghujj

Anti zionists are anti semetic when they spout anti Jewish drivel such as “Israel's claims to represent and speak for all Jews that are the most anti-Semitic claims of all”. Anti zionists are anti semetic when they spout anti Jewish drivel such as “Jewish opponents of Zionism understood that gentile Europeans "shared the precepts of anti-Semitism" and that Zionists and antisemites held a shared belief in "the expulsion of Jews from Europe." Anti zionists are anti semetic when they spout anti Jewish drivel such as “right-wing Zionism and antisemitism "have the same soul...they rhyme" because both are variants of ultra-nationalism.” Anti zionists are anti semetic when they spout anti Jewish drivel such as “antisemitism is the essence of the Zionist movement” and when they falsely and wrongly refer to Zionist aims as ‘antisemitic’ , when they falsely and wrongly call Zionists "Jewish antisemites", which they do when they falsely and wrongly asse

Exh cufiuyy

Filter this through my complex and personal spiritual beliefs : Christians United for Israel provide a national association through which every pro-Israel church, parachurch organization, ministry or individual in America can speak and act with one voice in support of Israel in matters related to Biblical issues. I support Christians United For Israel defending Israel and their fight against antisemitism in our communities, churches, college campuses, the media and on Capitol Hill. I echo this statement by them “As the largest pro-Israel organization in the US, with over 10 million members, Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is the foremost Christian organization educating and empowering millions of Americans to speak and act with one voice in defense of Israel and the Jewish people. CUFI’s diversity across political, ethnic, generational and denominational lines maximizes our impact in communities, in the media, on campus, and in our nation’s capital. CUFI is committed to confronting

Exh hillrcghh


Exk kremlinidm

Article here This false equivalency by the European Parliament between communism and nazism is the radical centrism we love to see. This European Parliament false equivalency between commies and naughtzies is based off of misinformation. But if anti commies and other people want to believe the two are equally bad, then fine, more power to them. People are free to think or believe what they want within reason. Let them believe in the tooth fairy for all I care. They aren’t hurting anyone by this false equivalency 35 years of capitalism is what has ruined the East.  This ‘communism and nazism are equally bad’ narrative is false equivalency, even if we consider the two points below there is still no equivalency between psuedo Communism and Nazism 1) Statist Communist-State Capitalist countries like the USSR unleashed a horrid form of totalitarianism onto war-ravaged countries of Eastern Europe, like East Germany.   2) The unholy alliance between the USSR and NDSAP together cause millions

Exh cbuuhnjj


Exh libbbyyy

given, used, or occurring in generous amounts.

Blaarg Nav

Exh megaassholes

MAGA trolls as in Right Wing, Right Wing populist,Alt lite , Hard right  & company: Radical right and Alt Right  They are also Crypto Anar cho semi fas ci sts

Exh fffaaqq

DEMOCRATS, Liberal 2.0ers and Progressives are NOT LEFT WING The three extremes on the political spectrum are Far left (Communism including Tankies, Anarchism, Mutualism, vastly unwoke or barely woke), Radlib (from Liberal 2.0 wing , woke, generally only lip service to being anti capitalist etc), Far right Based off of the American political spectrum on a curve where social views outweigh economic views except where otherwise noted and by general world standards except where otherwise noted  Political spectrum Far left/Alt Left, Left Wing, Left Center Center Left, Centrist/Radical Centrist, Center right Right Center, Right Wing-Right Wing Populism/Alt Lite, Hard right/Radical right-extreme Right, Far Right-Neofascism/Alt Right      Alt Right/fascism:  Examples of Alt Right/fascism:  Jason Kessler, Paul Nehlens, Richard Spencer Real Far right/neofascism Examples of Textbook Far right/neofascism: Andrew Anglim, Don Black, David Duke, Arthur Jones, Jared Taylor    Daily Stormer, weatherfr

Exh tranjiidss

Personally, I am indifferent leaning toward a political position that is in between  other side political post position  and not support for CHILDREN between 4 or 5 and 16 becoming Transgender , partly because I feel that they might be victims of bullying and discrimination by their peers if they become transgender that young.    note 2 Personally, this view of mine, is to protect them from bullying, not to deny them their rights. But my other reasons are , let kids be kids. Kids aren’t old enough to vote, work full time or have real jobs, go to war, consent to sex, drive, but they can magically decide to change their gender and we are cool with this? really?  note 2 If kids aren’t mature enough to do the above things why are they mature enough to change their gender?  This article  has some good insight on this We need to have an open discussion about teenage girls who have extreme sexual trauma and eating disorders being over-diagnosed with gender dysphoria.   note 2 This is not some

Exh qyurdfg

  Annette Schlichter describes the discourse on queer heterosexuality as aiming at "the de- and possible reconstruction of heterosexual subjectivity through the straight authors' aspiration to identify as queer".  In the paper, a genealogy of queer heterosexuality is outlined, pointing out that "the queer critique of sexual normativity is both bound to the history of specific identities and committed to the destabilization of sexual identities—including those that have become hegemonic", while "critics concerned about issues of lesbian visibility and difference occasionally raise the specter of the queer heterosexual ... as an indication of the queer project's perversion of social and political identities and their relations to power."[9] Putting to one side the question of whether the idea of homosexual contagion is necessarily homophobic, Guy Davidson uses the article from the Village Voice as an example of how the idea of queer subversion of het

Exh pledgggg

Post-Colonial Anarchism is an Anti-Imperialist Anti-State Nationalism*. Post-Colonial Anarchism is a libleft ideology on the left on the tradition axis, even rejecting traditional nationalism in that they do not seek to make the nation a political unit, thus being self-consciously anti-prejudice (*they support nationalism as a preliminary framework that will unite certain people groups, but they do not support a traditional/pragmatic form of nationalism that divides people groups).  They encourage separation from oppressive state/colonial structures.

Exh tedhtfbhh

Equality as I use in this quote meaning the type of equality that comes AFTER freedom/liberty (non egalitarian equality i.e liberal equality)

Exh an dworkinhjmnh,_Israel,_and_Women%27s_Liberation In Andrea Dworkin’s book Scapegoat: The Jews, Israel, and Women’s Liberation, she stated that she wanted women to have their own country, "Womenland," which would be comparable to Israel, Womenland would serve as a "place of potential refuge" for women from men just like Israel is a place of refugee for Jews from antisemeties and neo nazis.   It would be a stateless society (without hierarchies), and where women either impose gender equality or a state where females rule supreme above males.